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The Rancher’s Bride Surprise Page 9
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Page 9
Was Micah Buchanan really just a friend?
There was something wrong with Rachel, and it was cutting him up, Micah told himself as he worked on the roof at the far end of the schoolhouse.
It was the morning after his visit to Sophie's. Rachel had arrived bright and early. As usual. But, this morning her greeting to Micah had been colder than normal. He'd called out to her from his position at the top of the ladder. He'd expected a cheerful welcome, even a smile to warm up his morning.
She'd barely looked up at him. He'd heard her mumble something as she strode purposefully toward the steps. Before he'd had a chance to react, she'd made her way into the schoolhouse. Then the children had arrived, and the doors had been shut.
Micah wondered if it had been anything he'd said during the visit to the Cameron house. He searched his memory, and couldn't recall having said anything that could have caused offense. Of course there had been some awkwardness. That was only to be expected given that it was the first time he and Rachel had shared a social occasion together. The fact that it had been under the watchful eye of the town's resident matchmaker had only made Micah feel even more unsettled. He'd known he was under scrutiny. Micah had felt Sophie's expert eye examining him throughout. At one point, he'd been completely lost for words. Especially with the beautiful woman seated right next to him on the sofa.
And, Micah knew one thing which was true. Rachel was beautiful. Sitting so close to her had been a real pleasure. It had given him a chance to savor her delicate beauty; her poise; her clear skin; her bright eyes; the pretty bow of her lips. When she smiled at him, he felt suddenly more alive. He'd never felt like that before. Not with anyone. All kinds of emotions had swirled around inside him as he'd sat there next to her. Emotions he'd never known existed.
He'd worried that he'd been too eager to drink in the sight of her astonishingly pretty features. Thankfully, he was sure that no-one else had noticed the way he'd been looking at Rachel. Although once he'd caught Lily smiling at him. Micah had just smiled right back at Lily.
And when Rachel had dropped her cup at the mention of Brett Calhoun, he'd resisted the urge to ask Rachel why she'd done that. For the remainder of the visit she'd seemed preoccupied. Distant. All the way back to the Circle Cross ranch, Micah had tried to figure out what could have caused Rachel to react like that. But he hadn't been able to come up with an answer.
What he had been able to come up with was an idea about what he could do next in his faltering courtship of Rachel Ellsworth. Because, even if he was making a mess of it, that was what he was doing.
And he was determined to see it through to the end, no matter what the outcome. He'd seen how his brothers had courted their wives. Micah figured if what they'd done had worked, he should do the same.
Micah kept himself busy for the early part of the morning. He was eagerly waiting for the mid-morning break, so he could get a chance to speak with Rachel. The time dragged more than usual, and Micah's mind kept wandering to what he was going to say to her when she finally did emerge from the schoolhouse.
Around the right time, he heard the doors being thrust open and the children came tumbling down the steps. They started chasing one another around the dusty schoolyard. Micah made his way down the ladder and walked around to the front of the schoolhouse. There was no sign of Rachel. He squinted in the mid-morning sun and saw Rachel seated at her desk inside the schoolhouse.
Micah made his way inside, pausing at the door, just like he'd done in the first day he'd met her. He knocked on the door. "Can I come in?" he asked.
She lifted her head and peered at Micah. His heart sank a little when she didn't smile at him. "Sure," she replied in a flat voice which echoed in the empty room.
He made his way to the front of the class and leaned against the side of the desk. Looking down at her, he saw emotion in her eyes. A kind of emotion he hadn't seen in her gaze before. He wondered what she was thinking about. Or even whether he should intrude like this. Maybe she wanted to be left alone. Perhaps she didn't even want him around, he told himself. That thought made something heavy settle in his gut.
He edged his hip onto the corner of the desk and sat down. "I'm nearly finished," he announced, figuring that would get her full attention. And he was right.
She glanced sharply at him. "Already?"
"There was less to do than I thought."
She frowned. "You told me it was going to take weeks." She sounded genuinely surprised.
Micah shook his head and gazed up at the roof. "This place is in better shape than I thought. It's a solid structure. And no mistake. A good place for a school."
Rachel peered wistfully at the empty seats. "The children deserve the best we can give them," she said softly.
"Well, it ain't going to fall down around their ears," he said, trying to tease her into a smile. "I can promise you that."
Right now, he wanted to see her smile more than anything. But she didn't. Instead, she peered up at him and nodded. "That's good to know," she said evenly.
Micah drew in a deep breath. All of the good spirits she'd shown yesterday had disappeared. He wanted to know what had happened to cause that. Who could have caused that. But he knew it wasn't his place to pry. It looked like, as far as she was concerned, he was here just to fix the schoolhouse. And nothing else.
Sliding his hip off the desk, he turned to face the way out. He heard her voice. "Micah," she said, her voice suddenly brighter. "Don't go, yet."
Turning to face her, he lifted a brow. "You sure about that?"
Finally, she smiled, and he felt his heart leap. Her features were so pretty, it made something tighten in his chest. "I'm sure." She stood and walked around the desk. Clasping her hands at her middle, she gazed at him. "The children will be back in a few minutes. I thought we could chat for a little while."
"Sure, Rachel," he replied. "Anything that keeps me down off that roof," he joked.
Once again, her even features lit up with a smile. He was glad her spirits had lightened. Even if it was just for a moment. That was enough to brighten up his day. They walked slowly toward the front door, making their way, side by side, between the rows of seats and tables. He reflected on the fact that this was Rachel's place. The one space in town where she had absolute authority. There was a calmness about the room when the children weren't here. A calmness which she brought here every morning. But, something had unsettled that calmness. And he was desperate to know what.
"About yesterday," Rachel said. "When we were at Sophie's house."
"What about it?" he asked.
"I enjoyed it very much," she replied. Her gaze shimmered and he saw the sincerity in her eyes. She really meant it. "Sophie is a gracious host."
Micah nodded and wondered where Rachel was taking the conversation. "She sure is."
Rachel quirked a brow. "And I'm also sure she's a formidable matchmaker."
Micah felt his cheeks flush with heat. He saw Rachel gazing at him knowingly. She knew exactly why he'd reacted like that, he told himself. "My brothers can confirm that," he replied quickly.
Rachel paused a few moments. "You know it hasn't been easy for Lily and I. Coming all the way out here was a big risk for me and for Lily."
"Sophie is taking good care of you both, though. Isn't she?" Micah asked.
Rachel's brows furrowed. "Of course. I can't say a bad word about what she has done for us." She thought for a long moment before continuing. "But, you know the real reason why I came out here. Why Sophie invited me." Rachel gazed steadily at Micah. "What she wants for me."
Micah cleared his throat and nodded. "Sure, I do. It's like when Johanna and Rosalind came here." He didn't want to say the word which had just popped into his mind.
He peered at her and saw she was waiting expectantly for what he would say next. But, for some reason he just couldn't bring himself to say the word. Not in front of Rachel. The wom
an who had found her way into his heart over the last few days. Had she taken to him, though? He still couldn't be sure. Especially after yesterday.
As if sensing his reluctance, Rachel spoke. "I came here to find a husband, Micah," she said. "You do know that, don't you."
The way she had said that almost shocked him. "I guessed as much," Micah admitted. "I saw what happened before. I know how these things work." He felt like he was stumbling in the dark. Words wouldn't come, even though he wanted to tell her some simple truths. Like how she made him feel.
Rachel looked away from him and sighed. "But it isn't easy," she said. He could hear the emotion in her voice. "I'm trying to listen to God. But, for some reason, I just can't seem to hear what He's trying to tell me." She frowned. "What He's calling me to do."
Micah wanted to tell her that maybe the answer was standing right in front of her. But, he didn't. Instead, he nodded thoughtfully, sensing that she hadn't quite finished saying what she wanted to say.
"He brought Lily and I here. And I'm so grateful for that," she said. "And He's made it possible for me to work and live amongst good people. At least for the most part," she added.
Micah wondered what she had meant by that last part. Previously, she had only said good things about the folks of Inspiration. "God guides us on the right path," he agreed. "Sometimes, though, those paths are full of trial and hardship. Things we have to face up to. We just have to persevere." He peered steadily at her. "Out here, there's no such thing as quitting." He meant it. He'd made his mind up he wasn't going to quit this attempted courtship. No matter how bad a job he was making of it.
Her eyes narrowed and she gazed at him. She was thoughtful for a few moments. "You're right," she said eventually. "Persevering is important."
He shook his head and gazed at her. "There's no quitting," he said. He knew what he meant by that, even if she didn't. Not yet, anyway. But, she would.
A movement out in the yard caught his eye. The children's excited voices dropped to a quiet murmur. Micah took a few steps to the front door and gazed out at the yard. A dark-suited man was walking toward the schoolhouse. Rachel moved alongside him. Micah narrowed his eyes, straining to make out the identity of the man. After a few moments, Micah felt something sink in his gut. He recognized who it was. Inexplicably, he heard Rachel gasp.
He turned to her and squinted at her. "You know who that is?" he asked, hoping she couldn't give him an answer. Because, if she could it would only mean one thing. His suspicions were about to be confirmed.
Rachel looked up at Micah and nodded. There was a stern look in her eyes. "Brett Calhoun."
And, when he heard those two words, all he could do was clench both his fists into two tight balls.
What was Calhoun doing here? Hadn't her letter to him made it absolutely clear that she didn't want him anywhere near her?
Rachel felt her chest tighten as Calhoun walked up the steps toward where she was standing right next to Micah. She sensed Micah's body tense with every step Calhoun took. She glanced at Micah and saw his tight jaw, his hooded brows, his flared nostrils. Was he preparing himself for some kind of confrontation?
Then she saw the piece of paper Calhoun was clutching in his hand. It was her letter to him! The one she had arranged to be delivered to him this morning before she'd come to the schoolhouse. He had come here to challenge her somehow. Had Calhoun known Micah would be here?
Calhoun halted in front of Micah and Rachel. He didn't look so well-groomed as previously. Maybe he'd readied himself in a hurry, she told herself. She glanced over Calhoun's shoulder. Thankfully the children were getting back to playing, now that their curiosity about the visitor had been satisfied.
"Buchanan," Calhoun stated with barely concealed disgust. "I heard you were spending time here."
"What do you want, Calhoun?" Micah exclaimed. Rachel could tell he was trying to contain the fury in his voice.
Calhoun turned his attention to Rachel. He bowed his head slightly and then peered at her. "Miss Ellsworth," he acknowledged in a flat voice.
Instantly, Micah turned and stared at Rachel. "You know him?" he demanded.
Rachel nodded. "Mr Calhoun and I have previously been acquainted." She saw Micah's features turn almost white. His eyes widened and he looked from Rachel to Calhoun and back again, as if searching for an explanation.
"What's going on here?" Micah asked. There was incredulity in his voice. Rachel felt her throat tighten.
"Didn't Miss Ellsworth tell you, Buchanan?" Calhoun asked, clearly enjoying the moment. "We know one another."
Calhoun glanced at Rachel. She felt something heavy sink in her middle as the man gazed at her. She wanted him to stop looking at her like that. As if he was enjoying the chaos he was causing. But, there were the children to think about, she told herself. She was determined not to cause a ruckus in front of them. She hoped Micah saw things the same way.
Micah took a step toward Calhoun. The other man just held his ground, staring defiantly up at the advancing rancher who was now looming over him.
The sound of squealing, happy children seemed to bring Micah to his senses. For the moment, at least. Rachel was thankful to see Micah take a step back. She heard him drag in a deep breath. Self-control was proving difficult, she told herself. And not only for him.
Micah glanced at Rachel. "Can you tell me why he's here?" he asked.
Calhoun held up the piece of paper he was holding. "This is the reason, Buchanan," he announced.
Micah peered at the folded paper in Calhoun's hand. "What does that have to do with anything?" he demanded.
"Everything," Calhoun replied. He glanced at Rachel. "Isn't that right, Miss Ellsworth?"
Her legs felt suddenly weak. Shoulders slumped, she lowered her head. Butterflies were tumbling in her middle. A cold hand had wrapped its fingers around her heart. She didn't want to meet Calhoun's penetrating gaze. He'd had no business coming here like this. Hadn't her letter made things abundantly clear? Indignation swelled within her and she glared at him. "I want you to leave, Mr Calhoun," she stated bluntly. She pointed back in the direction from which he'd come. "Right now!"
Calhoun was unmoved by her gesture. He peered at her. He looked like he was about to say something, but Micah prevented him. "You heard what Rachel said, Calhoun. Leave!"
Calhoun tilted his head and narrowed his eyes. "So it's Rachel, is it?" he sneered. "How charming," he added in an acid tone of voice. For the first time since he'd arrived, Rachel saw a flush of color on Calhoun's pale cheeks. Micah using her first name had annoyed him.
Gathering his composure, Calhoun drew himself up to his full height. Even that wasn't enough to put him on the same level as Micah. "Maybe you'll find this letter interesting, Buchanan," Calhoun said. He thrust the piece of paper at Micah. Rachel's mouth fell open. She gasped and wanted to seize the paper from Calhoun. But, before she had a chance to do so, Micah took the paper from Calhoun. She saw Micah glance down curiously at the paper. It was still folded so he couldn't read it. But she could tell he was eager to do so.
As if he'd won an important victory, Calhoun smiled at Rachel. "I read the letter, Miss Ellsworth. I want you to know I won't be imposing myself on you again."
Rachel's face flushed with heat. The ambiguity in those words must have created a false impression in Micah's mind. "Now look here, Calhoun," Micah exclaimed. "You and I have had differences before. I know the real reason you're doing this." Micah glanced at Rachel. "Even if Miss Ellsworth doesn't. But, she will."
Calhoun shook his head and peered at Rachel. "You'd be surprised at what's been happening in Inspiration before you got here, Miss Ellsworth. Once you find out, you might not see certain folks in the same light."