The Rancher’s Bride Surprise Page 8
Lily pouted and looked quizzically at Rachel. "No," announced emphatically. She was about to add something when Rachel tugged Lily closer to her, hugging the little girl by the waist.
Rachel laughed nervously and glanced at Micah. She looked concerned about something. He was looking forward to the explanation, especially since it involved him, when he heard the sounds of Sophie coming back into the room. She was carrying a tray with a teapot and a large plate which was piled high with cakes. She placed it down on the small table in front of the sofa. Lily released herself from Rachel, squealed excitedly and jumped up and down. Rachel guided Lily to a seat by the empty fireplace. Lily was eventually persuaded to sit still until she was given her tea and cake. Tea was poured and cakes laid out on plates.
Sophie took a seat opposite Lily. "How was your visit to Main Street?" Sophie asked Rachel.
Micah saw Rachel hesitate as she lifted her cup to her mouth. She glanced at Sophie. "Fine," she replied abruptly. Then she sipped her tea and gazed over the top of the cup at Micah. It looked she was trying to judge whether he'd noticed something in her manner. The truth was, he'd been wondering about her ever since they'd met outside on the street.
Sophie commented on the weather and then asked Micah how things were going at the schoolhouse. He gave her a rundown and she listened with polite attention. But he could see that Sophie was thinking about something else entirely. She commented that he must miss being up at the ranch. Micah assured her that everything was under control up at the ranch. That he was glad of the chance to help out at the schoolhouse.
More than once, Micah saw Sophie glance from him to Rachel and back again. Maybe she was waiting for him to say something to the pretty schoolteacher, he told himself. But, for some reason, his tongue was well and truly tied.
Finally, Sophie placed her cup down on the table. "Nathan should be here soon," she explained.
"Good," Micah replied. "I want to ask him a couple of questions."
Sophie looked at Micah. "What about?" she asked.
Micah glanced at Lily. "It can wait. It's just about a certain gentleman we all know."
"Let me guess," Sophie said. "Brett Calhoun?"
Before Micah had a chance to reply, he heard a sharp sound and a scream from Rachel. He whirled around and saw Rachel, hands open and outstretched. She was staring at her broken cup which was lying in pieces on the floor. Tea was spreading out from the fragments in a dark pool. Rachel lifted her gaze quickly. "Sorry. I'm just so clumsy," she gasped.
Sophie leaped to her feet and raced off to the kitchen. Lily giggled and took another bite of cake. Micah reached down and picked up some of the larger fragments. He glanced at Rachel, but she was averting her eyes from him. "Everything okay, Rachel?" he asked.
Her gaze flickered momentarily to him. "Of course."
Sophie came back into the room and cleaned up the remaining fragments and the patch of liquid. When she left the room, Micah shifted closer to Rachel. "You sure there's nothing wrong?" he asked.
This time her gaze was sharper, more insistent. "Of course there's nothing wrong, Micah. What gave you that idea?" Her lips tightened into a thin line and her brows furrowed. He was starting to get to know that look. It meant he had to stay well away for the moment.
He nodded, seeing that he wasn't going to get anything more out of her. But he couldn't help wondering why the mention of Brett Calhoun had prompted such a reaction from Rachel.
An hour later, Rachel was crossing the dusty thoroughfare of Main Street. She held the loose fabric of her skirt firmly in her grasp, lifting it slightly so it wouldn't get dirty. The last thing she wanted was to trip and end up face down in the dusty street. She had to dodge some horseback riders, as well as a Conestoga wagon that came perilously close to running her down.
She was heading for the jailhouse, and she wanted answers. Micah had left the Cameron house barely ten minutes ago. Rachel figured it was safe for her to go over to the sheriff's office and get some more facts. Information about Brett Calhoun.
Making it to the other side of the street, she stepped up onto the boardwalk, brushed the dust from the lower part of her skirt, and paused, taking in a deep breath. She felt flushed, and her mind was racing. Had she made an utter fool of herself? That was the question she'd been asking herself for the past hour. Back at the house, she'd barely been able to pay attention to anything that Micah and Sophie had been saying. All she'd been able to think about was that she'd acted foolishly in agreeing to the advances of Brett Calhoun. Even though she didn't know why she should be worried, the fact that the town sheriff was taking an interest in the man she had shared lunch with was concerning enough.
A few of the townsfolk nodded to Rachel as they passed her. Maybe they were wondering why she was standing outside the sheriff's office. She stiffened her resolve, walked to the door and pushed it open. Inside the office, Sheriff Nathan Cameron was leaning over a desk, broad shoulders hunched. He was reading some paperwork.
Nathan looked up as she entered. "Rachel?" His brows furrowed and he stood. His tall figure was imposing in the small office. He wore jeans, a plaid shirt and dark waistcoat upon which was pinned a silver badge. He made his way around the desk as she closed the door behind her. The sound of his boots was loud in the wood-paneled office. "Is something wrong?" he asked.
She clasped her hands at her middle and gazed up at him. His eyes were filled with a kindly, but concerned expression. "We just had a visit from Micah Buchanan."
Nathan smiled. Rachel could understand why Sophie would love a man who looked like that when he smiled. "Don't tell me he's causing trouble," he said and laughed quietly.
Rachel shook her head. "No. Micah isn't the problem."
Nathan pointed to a seat in front of the desk. "Sit down, Rachel."
She was relieved to get off her feet and take a moment to gather her thoughts. Nathan sat down opposite her, leaned his elbows on the desk and steepled his fingers as he peered patiently across at her. Rachel came right out with it. "Who's Brett Calhoun?"
Nathan's brows rose and then he squinted at her. "How do you know about him?"
"His name came up after Sophie served tea and cakes over at your house," she replied.
Nathan quirked a brow. "That isn't how his name usually comes up," he responded. "Usually, he's mentioned when there's trouble in town."
In spite of all her efforts, Rachel let out a groan. Startled, Nathan narrowed his eyes. "What's happening, Rachel? You haven't had some kind of problem with Calhoun, have you?"
Rachel leaned back against the chair and sighed. "Maybe not the kind you're used to dealing with," she murmured.
Nathan leaned forward. "Tell me what's happened."
Rachel shook her head. "You don't have to get involved," she said. "No crime has been committed. Unless you include my stupidity." She rolled her eyes. "Now that is criminal," she added stamping her booted foot impatiently.
Nathan continued watching her. He was waiting silently, giving her a chance to find her words, to decide what she wanted to tell him. She knew that, and wasn't surprised. During her time at the Cameron house, she'd seen how patient Nathan could be.
Rachel peered across at Nathan. "Tell me about Mr Calhoun. I'd like to know whatever you're willing to tell me."
Nathan settled back in his chair. "He's an influential figure in this town. But, not in a good way, you understand. Owns various interests. The saloon. The hotel. And plenty we probably don't know about. He likes to think of himself as someone important in town."
Rachel scoffed. "I noticed."
Nathan continued. "I've had a few problems with Calhoun. But I've never been able to charge him with anything."
Rachel felt her heartbeat quicken. It was all true. Her worst fears were being proven to be correct. "Are you saying he's involved in illegal activities?"
Nathan tilted his head. "Brett Calhoun is a wily fox. We've never been able to pin anything on him that is strictly
illegal. He's always one step ahead of us. No matter what we do." Nathan frowned. "Are you saying you know him?"
That had been a delicate way of asking Rachel if she had done anything about which she should be embarrassed, she told herself. "Let's just say, Mr Calhoun has been very charming to me this past week or so. In public, I hasten to add."
"Has he now?" Nathan asked, his interest rising visibly. "Well, he may not be young anymore, and he sure ain't handsome, but I know he could charm the horns off a steer."
Maybe Nathan thought that was funny, but Rachel felt her face flush. Seeing her reaction, Nathan quickly backtracked. He lifted a hand. "I don't mean to be disrespectful, Rachel," he said abruptly. "It's just that I've gotten to know the man pretty well since he came to Inspiration. He's not the kind of man I'd want a decent woman like yourself to be involved with."
Rachel sighed heavily. "What was I thinking?" she exclaimed out loud.
"If it is any consolation, Rachel, you wouldn't be the first person to be taken in by Brett Calhoun," Nathan offered.
"Taken in is exactly how I feel, right now," she blurted out. Indignation was building inside her. She could feel it rising like a tide.
Nathan leaned forward. "You sure you don't want to tell me anything?"
She shook her head and smiled. "There's nothing to worry about, Nathan. Except my poor judgment in accepting his offer of lunch today."
"I see," Nathan drawled. He became suddenly thoughtful for a long moment.
"At the hotel restaurant," she explained abruptly. "He was polite and charming. Treated me well." She frowned. "And now I'm wondering what he was up to."
"That's a good question," Nathan replied. "A man like that always has a reason for doing things."
Nathan was silent for a long moment. She gazed across at the sheriff and saw his jaw tighten. His eyes had a steady, thoughtful look in them now. She wondered what he was thinking. He looked like he was on the verge of telling her something. But, frustratingly, he remained silent, even though she continued to look at him expectantly. She was sure Nathan knew a whole lot more than he was telling. However, now her worst fears had been confirmed. Brett Calhoun had fooled her and she had fallen for it completely. She wondered why he'd done such a thing. What had she to offer that could possibly be important to a man like Calhoun? She couldn't figure it out. And, it was obvious from Nathan's attitude that he wasn't about to make things any clearer.
"I can have a word with him, if you like," Nathan suggested. "Tell him to keep well away from you from now on."
"That's kind of you, sheriff," Rachel said. "But I made this mess, and I'm going to be the one to fix it." She shook her head and groaned. "I'll tell him straight. And that'll be the end of it."
Nathan nodded. "Just you be careful, now. If you want me around when you do that, just give me a shout. I'll be happy to oblige. Especially since it is Calhoun we're talking about."
Rachel stood. "Thank you, sheriff. I appreciate your honesty."
Nathan stood and followed her to the door. "That's nothing, Rachel. I know how much you have to deal with, already. Being mother to Lily is a full-time job. And I think you're doing just fine."
Rachel was touched by his words. She felt her heart swell with good feeling. It wasn't often that anyone had complimented her on her choices with Lily. Usually, when people had found out that Lily was her niece, she had seen looks that ranged from polite acceptance to downright disapproval. Knowing Sophie and Nathan as well as she did now, Rachel was glad that she'd found a safe place for herself and Lily. At least for the near future.
She said goodbye to Nathan and headed back to the Cameron house. She was glad that she hadn't encountered Calhoun on the way home. If she had met him on the boardwalk, she wasn't sure she would have been able to contain her indignation. How dare the man play her for a fool! Or was it something more worrying than that? If Calhoun was such an unpleasant character, was he the source of all the evil in the town? Had Rachel just encountered the one true enemy in this town?
Walking up the street that led to the Cameron house, Rachel offered up a silent prayer, thanking God for revealing the true nature of the man who had tried to tempt her onto the wrong path. But, that was always the way with the deceiver, she told herself. The Prince of lies. He was adept at finding the weakness in a believer, and exploiting that failing. So, if that was the case, then Rachel asked herself what could be her own weakness.
She thought for a moment, asking for quiet guidance. And then it came to her. She had been worried about material concerns. About her own survival, now that she was mother to Lily. Rachel felt her heart sink as she recalled how she had considered Calhoun as a mere provider, without any proper consideration of whether not his character could be sound. Or even if he had devout beliefs that came anywhere near matching those of Rachel.
This whole incident showed Rachel that her own faith was stronger than she'd realized. Not once had Calhoun mentioned if he had faith of any sort. Now that she thought about it, he struck her as a most irreligious man. That obsession with power and wealth did not fit with a man whose values revolved around obeying the will of God. By comparison, Micah Buchanan seemed far more devout. And Rachel had heard so many good things from Sophie and Nathan about the Buchanan family.
Reaching the garden gate, Rachel pushed it open and started up the path toward the front door. She chastised herself for her failure to see clearly. The worry she had felt about the future had been born of her refusal to accept the will of God. And what He had placed in her path. Particularly Micah Buchanan.
Thinking how she could tell Calhoun not to come anywhere near her again, Rachel concluded that a letter would suffice. She'd just tell him straight that his attentions were no longer appreciated. She'd have it delivered to Calhoun's no doubt substantial residence, and that would be the end of that.
Sophie welcomed her home and told her that Lily was upstairs in her own room. Feeling the need to be with Lily, Rachel made her way to the little girl's room. She found Lily squatting on the bed and playing with her doll. Lily looked up as Rachel came into the room. "Where have you been?" she asked.
"I had an important errand to run," Rachel explained sitting down at the edge of the bed.
Lily nodded casually as she continued to play with her doll. With her head lowered she spoke in a quiet voice. "I like Micah," she announced.
Rachel froze for a moment. She didn't know what she should say. All she could utter was a softly spoken reply. "You do?"
Lily lifted her head and gazed at Rachel. "I think he's nice," she said and nodded. "And I think he likes you." Lily spoke as if what she'd said was the most obvious thing in the world.
Sometimes the truth came at the most surprising moments, Rachel told herself. "What gives you that idea, Lily?" she asked.
Lily smiled. "He looks at you funny," she explained.
Rachel's brows furrowed. "Funny?"
Lily played with her doll as she continued. "Every time you looked away from him, he was looking at you." She laughed. "Like he was playing a game." Lily peered at Rachel. "Do you like Micah?"
Taken aback by the directness of the question, Rachel leaned back. "I think he's a very nice man. He's helped us with the schoolhouse."
Clearly dissatisfied with that answer, Lily gave Rachel a stern look. "If he's nice, then you like him, right?" Put like that, the question was impossible to avoid, Rachel told herself.
She leaned forward. "Mr Buchanan and I are just good friends, Lily. That's all."
The little girl pouted, displeased at Rachel's evasive reply. Then Lily went back to attending to her doll. Rachel stood and left the room. As he did so, she couldn't help asking herself one private question.