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The Rancher’s Bride Surprise Page 22

  "I let you onto my land, this morning, for one reason Calhoun," Caleb growled. "I wanted to see your face when you knew all your scheming and lying and cheating had come to nothing," Caleb added. Caleb laughed quietly as Calhoun glared back at him.

  Zane stepped forward. "Pa. There's no sense in saying anything. We've won."

  Caleb shook his head."I thought I'd take some pleasure from this moment." Caleb ran his gaze up and down Calhoun. "But, now, I just feel sorry for you. There'll come a time when you'll have to offer up an account of your dealings in this world, Calhoun." Caleb took a step away from Calhoun. Caleb's eyes flickered briefly upwards. "And it ain't up to me what happens when you give that account to Him."

  "That'll be a long time coming, Buchanan," Calhoun snapped. "In the meantime, I aim to stay in Inspiration." Calhoun smiled. "After all, it is my town."

  Caleb shook his head. "I reckon your days in Inspiration are numbered, Calhoun," he said.

  Calhoun shrugged. "We'll see," he muttered. He gave one long look at MacAllister. "I take it you got some business with these folks."

  MacAllister nodded. "I have," he replied. He frowned at Calhoun. "But my business with you is well and truly over, Mr Calhoun. "I'd be obliged if you and I don't see one another again." MacAllister lifted his hat and gave Calhoun a sarcastic look. "I'll be wishing you a good day," he said in an acid tone of voice.

  Calhoun ran his gaze around the gathered figures. "Good day to you all," he murmured. Then he strode off toward his horse, got up and rode off in the direction of Inspiration.

  Watching the man who had almost ruined her family ride away, defeated, Rachel felt relief sweep through her. She peered at Micah. There was a look of victory on her husband's features.

  "We won, pa," Micah said to Caleb.

  All four brothers and their father joined in a group hug, laughing and hollering so loud that Rachel and Lily just stared wide-eyed at each other.

  Caleb shook MacAllister's hand. "Thank you, sir," Caleb said. "For doing the honorable thing."

  MacAllister shook his head. "I just did my job, Mr Buchanan. The government is satisfied that you and your family have the right to keep this fine spread." MacAllister lifted a brow and smiled at Caleb. "And, if you really want to know what I think, I'm glad it has turned out that way." MacAllister looked at Rachel and Lily and then at the three brothers. "Looks like you've got yourself a mighty fine family."

  Caleb dragged in a deep breath and gazed at them all. "I surely have been blessed," he agreed.

  "What are we going to do now, pa?" Zane asked.

  Caleb gazed across at the wooden stake. He walked across to it and pulled it out of the ground. Holding it in his hand he hazed at all of them. "We're going to have ourselves a celebration. With the whole family, and our cousins from the other ranch. And then, we're going to build a cabin for Micah, Rachel and Lily."

  Micah swept Rachel into his arms and looked into her eyes. Rachel wasn't embarrassed that everyone was looking. All she wanted was to be in his arms. She gazed up into Micah's eyes, seeing the love there. The same love she felt for him.

  "I think that sounds like a grand idea," Micah said to Rachel. "Don't you?"

  Rachel nodded. "I think it sounds just perfect," she murmured.

  And then Micah leaned his head down, drew her close to him and kissed Rachel.



  Thank you for reading The Rancher's Bride Surprise. I hope you enjoyed the novel.

  The Brides of Inspiration series will continue.

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  Brides of Inspiration series.

  The Rancher's Bride Arrangement

  The Rancher's Marriage of Convenience

  The Rancher's Second Chance Bride