The Rancher’s Bride Surprise Read online

Page 21

  "You're all invited," Rachel announced. She placed Lily down. "But I need to change out of this gown."

  Sophie smiled. "I think I might have something you can borrow," she said. "Something fit for a wedding."

  Rachel glanced at Micah. "Can you wait?"

  "For you? I'd wait for all eternity," he announced. She knew he meant that. She could see the sincerity in his gaze.

  "Just give me fifteen minutes," she said to him. Rachel took Lily's hand. "Are you coming inside with me?"

  Lily nodded. As the little girl started to follow Rachel, she gazed at Micah as if she was seeing the tall rancher in a completely different light. Maybe she was seeing Micah as her new father, Rachel told herself as they made their way into the hallway. If that was the case, then, right now, Rachel considered herself the happiest woman in Inspiration.


  She looked absolutely beautiful, Micah told himself as he stood in front of Pastor Joseph and glanced across at Rachel. She was dressed all in white and looked like a vision of perfection. Turning to glance behind himself, Micah saw Sophie, Nathan and Lily sitting on the front row of the seats inside the church. Lily was smiling from ear to ear. Sophie had her arm curled inside Nathan's and was gazing at Rachel with a look of real pride on her face. Of course, Sophie should be pleased, Micah told himself. She'd been the one who'd brought Rachel and Lily out to Inspiration. He was grateful to her. Without Sophie, Micah wouldn't be standing here about to wed his amazing bride.

  The rush to the church had passed as if in a dream. The fifteen minutes he'd waited for Rachel had felt like fifteen hours. But, eventually she had emerged from upstairs at the Cameron house. The sight of her had taken his breath away. Time had stood still as he'd watched her walking down the stairs, holding onto the white fabric of the dress bunched in her hand. He was amazed that such a transformation could have been achieved in such a short time. Lily had put on her finest white dress and neat shoes. She looked like a little angel.

  Dragging Micah back to the present, the pastor addressed him and Rachel. Facing her, Micah extended his hand to Rachel and she placed her own hand upon his. In spite of the sense of urgency he felt about what might be happening up at the ranch, Micah managed to focus his attention on the pastor's words. He gazed at Rachel when it was his turn to declare his vows. Speaking slowly, he meant every word he said. He would honor and protect her, in sickness and in health. And he would do that for as long as they both lived.

  Micah felt his voice crack with emotion as he pronounced the words. And when Rachel spoke her vows, he could hear the same level of emotion in her voice. This meant a lot to her. And not just because of what it would mean for her to be his wife. But what it would mean for Lily. From behind him, Micah could hear soft sniffles and he was sure tears of joy were being shed by Sophie and even Lily.

  Finally, the pastor declared Micah and Rachel man and wife. Micah didn't need much prompting to kiss his new bride. He took her gently in his arms and kissed her. After the kiss, Rachel gazed up into Micah's eyes. He felt a wave of pride sweep through him.

  And love.

  But, just as quickly, the urgency of what still needed doing took hold of him. He'd already obtained the agreement of the pastor for the plan.

  Sophie and Nathan gave Micah and Rachel their warmest congratulations. Then, Micah, Rachel, Lily and the pastor made their way outside to the carriage. There was just enough room for all of them on the long front seat.

  Micah seized the reins and glanced at Rachel. "Hold on. This could be a bumpy ride."

  Rachel tucked her arm inside his and leaned her head against his shoulder. "I'm ready," she said and then glanced at Lily and the pastor. "Are you?"

  Lily nodded excitedly. Pastor Joseph looked solemn. He nodded, facing straight ahead. "I know what we have to do," he declared. "The Lord wants what is right today. So let's be going." Micah reckoned there was a pleasingly determined tone to the pastor's voice.

  Micah grinned. It felt good to have the pastor on their side. The Almighty had granted the wonderful grace of marriage to himself and to Rachel. And for his family, too. But, like all things, action was needed if they were to make sure that virtue and goodness would win a memorable victory. Micah was about to take that action. Co-operating with the will of God meant doing what would honor Him. What would show that they loved Him with their whole heart, mind and strength.

  Micah flicked the reins and the carriage started to thunder down the street. He could still hardly believe that he and Rachel had just gotten married. It would take a while, maybe some days, for that startling and fabulous truth to sink in.

  As the carriage sped out onto Main Street, Micah savored the sensation of his new wife leaning against his shoulder. He could feel the warmth of Rachel's body against him. Feel her soft presence. He would spend a long time enjoying this, he told himself. All the trials they'd passed through had been worth it. Now she was his wife. And now he was a father to Lily. His whole life had been transformed in one day. He was a family man, now. And all he could think of was to offer up a prayer of thanks to God for bringing this joy into his life.

  They headed out of town and started up the trail which would eventually lead to the Buchanan spread. The sun was shining and the air felt clean and fresh. He felt like he'd made a new beginning. He kept a tight hold on the reins, anxious that the carriage wouldn't tumble off the trail and end up with a broken wheel. That would be disastrous, he told himself.

  Up at the ranch, right now, he hoped his father and brothers were doing what they'd agreed before Micah had left to try and find Rachel.

  That meant one thing. Delay.

  No doubt the government man would be at the ranch already. It was nearly eleven o'clock and the train had arrived in Inspiration only a short while before. Micah knew what the man needed to see. He'd have to see evidence that each of the four parcels of land were occupied. And evidence that each had been claimed by a married brother.

  Well, one part of that had been fulfilled. All of the brothers were married, now. But only three of the four parcels of land could be shown as being occupied by a married couple. The plan was for Caleb to take the government agent from one parcel to the next, starting with Zane, then Gideon and then Reese.

  One more was needed. And that meant Micah had a fast ride ahead of him. If he was to save his family ranch. He glanced at Rachel and then at Lily. If he was going to claim a life on that ranch with these two, very important people, he had to get there on time. Everyone's future was on the line, now. That thought made his fists tighten around the reins as he leaned forward, driving the horses to a faster pace.

  Time was running out. He was determined not to let anyone down. He knew he wouldn't be able to forgive himself if he did that.

  The carriage tumbled up the trail, tossing from side to side. For a moment, he was worried someone would be thrown from the carriage. He called out, glancing at them all: "Everyone okay?"

  Heads nodded and eyes widened. No-one wanted him to slow down. They all knew how much was at stake.

  The pastor, in particular had a mission in mind. Just before the wedding ceremony, he'd told Micah that it would be a failure of his duty as a minister if he allowed Calhoun to profit from the misery of a devout family like the Buchanans. Seemed like Calhoun's notorious godlessness hadn't gone unnoticed.

  Following the agreed plan, Micah turned off the main trail and followed a narrower one which led west toward where his plot of land was situated. The one he'd claimed. The one that was theirs, now that he and Rachel were man and wife.

  He glanced at Rachel and saw that she had understood what he was doing. There was no sense in going up to the big house. His father and brothers probably wouldn't be there. They'd be taking the visitors on a slow tour of the rangeland. Anything to give Micah time to get married and ride up to the ranch.

  Micah wondered if Brett Calhoun would have had the gumption to accompany the government man to the Circle Cross. Of course, th
e man wouldn't be welcome. But, that usually didn't stop Calhoun from imposing himself. Micah smiled as he thought about the stone cold welcome Caleb would have offered Calhoun. One thing was for sure, it wouldn't be friendly. But, they'd agreed that it might just be worth letting Calhoun onto the spread, just so they could all see his face when he realized he had been defeated by four brothers and four beautiful brides.

  Micah grinned with anticipation. That was worth looking forward to. The carriage thundered onward.

  It crested a final ridge. They were almost there, Micah told himself. He gazed down at the flat plain bordered by the groves of trees. The place where he and Rachel would live together once the cabin was built.

  Micah's eyes widened and he froze, restraining the exclamation of disbelief which rose to his lips. He drew the carriage to a sliding halt and peered down at the place where he'd thrust the wooden stake into the ground.

  He heard Rachel gasp and she sat bolt upright.

  Down there, huddled together in a group were the last people he had expected to see at this exact moment.

  Micah saw his three brothers. And his father, Caleb. They were standing in a circle facing the stake which still stood firm in the ground.

  But it was the sight of the other two men which chilled Micah's blood.

  The government inspector had arrived early. And he was standing there right next to Brett Calhoun.

  Micah groaned. He had arrived too late.


  Rachel took hold of Micah's arm and peered at his ashen features. "Hurry, Micah," she exclaimed. "It's not too late."

  She saw Micah's jaw tighten as he continued to gaze in disbelief at the sight of the group of men down at the foot of the hill.

  Rachel shook Micah's arm. "Did you hear me, Micah?"

  Snapping his attention back to the present, Micah blinked and faced Rachel. He nodded. "You're right," he grunted. "Hold on, everyone," he declared and flicked the reins. The carriage lurched forward.

  As they sped down the hillside, wheels rattling, Rachel saw the men below turn to look up at the advancing carriage. She saw the features of Caleb, Zane, Gideon and Reese break out into broad smiles of delight.

  By contrast, Brett Calhoun's mouth dropped open. The cheroot which was normally fixed to his mouth tumbled to the ground. A stocky man dressed in a dark suit and derby hat glanced confusedly at Calhoun and the Buchanan men. Rachel figured that must be the government man.

  Hope rose in Rachel's heart. She leaned against Micah as he drove the carriage at a furious pace. Rachel felt Lily press against her and she slid an arm around the little girl's shoulders.

  They'd made it, Rachel told herself. Just in time.

  She glanced at Micah. Her new husband. Her handsome rancher. Rachel's heart filled with joy and warmth as she gazed at his determined features. He wasn't going to let her and Lily down. Not now that they were a family.

  The wedding ceremony had been quick, but beautiful. She'd never felt this happy before. When Micah had spoken his vows to her, gazing deeply into her eyes, holding her hand gently, she'd felt joyful.

  This was what she'd been led to by Him. Her faith had been rewarded. Her confidence in Him had brought her to this place where she had found a future of joy and peace. For them all. Truly His hand had guided her to a safe place.

  But there was still one more thing to do. One more necessary step.

  The carriage rolled across toward the group of men and slid to a halt. As the group of men advanced toward the carriage, Micah leaped down and extended his hand to Rachel. She allowed him to help her down. Lily leaped down into Rachel arms. The pastor stepped down slowly and solemnly.

  Standing by the side of the carriage, Rachel felt Micah slide his arm around her waist. She glanced up at him and saw him smiled at her. Gone was the fear she'd seen at the top of the ridge. He knew they had won.

  Lily wrapped her arms around Rachel. She realized that, to the oncoming group of men, she, Micah and Lily must look like a family. And that she and Micah must look like newlyweds. Especially with Rachel dressed in bridal white.

  The six men halted in front of them. The expressions on the faces of Micah's three brothers made Rachel's heart sing. They looked incredibly happy, proud and relieved, all at the same time.

  Caleb stepped forward and gazed at Rachel, Micah and Lily. "You did it son?" Caleb asked breathlessly.

  Rachel saw Micah grin broadly. "Rachel is my wife, pa."

  Caleb raised his head up to face the blue sky and howled with joy at the top of his voice. Zane, Gideon and Reese leaped in the air, hooting for all they were worth. They ran forward and each in turn shook Micah's hand so hard Rachel thought Micah was going to lose his arm.

  The three brothers and Caleb then hugged Rachel with the warmth of family members. Lily got hugs, too, which made her smile from ear to ear.

  "Now, hold on there," Rachel heard Calhoun mutter. His gaze was dark with fury as he looked from her to Micah and Lily. "How do we know this isn't some kind of fool joke you're playing?"

  Pastor Joseph stepped forward, holding himself erect and peering down his nose at Calhoun. "Because, good sir, I have just married this couple." The pastor's mouth turned downward. "I can vouch for that. And I assume, despite the fact that you do not attend our church, Mr Calhoun, you are not about to dispute the word of a man of God."

  Rachel heard Calhoun gasp. He flashed a look at the government man. "You ain't about to allow this, are you, Mr MacAllister?"

  The government inspector peered at the pastor. "Of course you can provide the necessary documentation to prove that this wedding took place this morning?" the man asked in an even, official-sounding voice.

  "Indeed I can," the pastor announced grandly.

  "This ain't right," Calhoun objected. He thrust his face at MacAllister. "You saw there was no-one on this land when we arrived. That's enough for me to win this claim."

  MacAllister shook his head and turned, pointing at the wooden stake which Micah had thrust into the ground. "That there is enough to prove a claim." He turned and looked at Micah and Rachel. "And now that this married couple are on the land, there is nothing I can do but agree that the whole plot and everyone of the others I've seen this morning meets criteria laid down by the government."

  Rachel's heart filled with joy. "Are you saying that the Buchanans get to keep all the land?"

  MacAllister nodded. "That is exactly what I'm saying, Mrs Buchanan," he announced.

  Every one of the Buchanans broke out into a cacophony of cheers and screams of delight. Stetsons were thrown into the air. It was like a celebration had already started, Rachel told herself.

  Those expressions of victory were cut short when Calhoun reached across and took hold of the lapels of MacAllister's jacket. "You told me this was a foregone conclusion. That this land would belong to me by the end of today," he roared pressing his face up against MacAllister's.

  Trying to free himself from Calhoun's grasp, MacAllister frowned. "I told you no such thing, Mr Calhoun. I merely said that it was my understanding that it was unlikely there would be a wedding before I left the ranch, today." MacAllister peered at Rachel and Micah. "It seems I underestimated the Buchanan family."

  "You sure did," Caleb declared. "Isn't that right, boys?" he added turning one by one to look at his sons.

  All four nodded in unison.

  Caleb walked straight up to Calhoun who had loosened his grip on MacAllister. "And he wasn't the only one to underestimate my family. Was he, Calhoun?"

  Caleb and Calhoun matched stares. This moment had been a long time coming. Rachel understood that. She glanced at Micah, but he simply shook his head, saying nothing. This was Caleb's moment. One he'd been waiting for since this whole problem had reared its ugly head. Rachel looked back at Caleb and Calhoun. The face-off was still going on.


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