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The Cowboy’s Frontier Courtship Page 19

  Logan strode out from behind the cabin. "Jack. Come back here," he called out.

  Logan's voice rang out across the field, but Jack ignored his father. Jack was determined to reach the trees. Suddenly, Kirsty thought about the creek. It would be dangerous for Jack. If he fell in, it was deep enough for Jack to get into trouble. She had to stop him.

  Without saying a word to Bridget, Kirsty lifted her skirts and started running across the field.


  Kirsty stumbled twice on the loose earth, but managed to stay on her feet. Glancing across at Logan she saw that he was striding quickly after Jack and peering at Kirsty as she raced toward the creek. The little boy had now reached the grove of trees. Being small, it was easy for Jack to quickly race beneath the branches. Moments later, he was lost to sight.

  Urgency seized Kirsty as she thought about Jack taking a tumble into the creek. If he did fall in, she was sure he could hurt himself.

  Reaching the trees, she ducked beneath the branches and forced herself through the grove. She emerged out on the edge of the the creek. Sliding to a halt, and slightly out of breath, she peered at Jack who was standing right at the edge of the creek with his back to Kirsty.

  "Jack. Stay where you are," Kirsty ordered.

  Jack turned and smiled at Kirsty. "My pa is coming after me. But I got here first. I told him I'd race him to the water."

  Kirsty strode to Jack and reached out a hand to him. "Take my hand."

  Jack obeyed, gazing up quizzically at Kirsty. "Why were you running?"

  "You shouldn't go near the creek. Not while you're on your own, Jack."

  The boy frowned and then looked past Kirsty. She heard the sound of branches being pushed aside. She saw Logan emerging. Behind him, Bridget followed close behind.

  "Jack. Come here," Logan said firmly.

  Kirsty released Jack's hand and the boy ran to Logan. Bridget emerged from the grove.

  Slightly breathless, she peered at Jack. "There you are, Jack," Bridget said. "Are you trying to be naughty?" she asked and then grinned.

  Jack shrugged and looked up at Logan. For his part, Logan looked sternly down at Jack. Logan glanced at Kirsty. "Thank you," he said softly.

  Fussing with her hair which had become caught in the tree branches, Kirsty smiled. "He's fast."

  For a moment, Logan's gaze met Kirsty's. Then Bridget stuck out a hand to Jack. "Come with me, Jack," she said. "Let's go see if there are any of your favorite cakes left back at the cabin, shall we?"

  Jack's eyes lit up and he ran to Bridget. Before she led Jack away, Bridget smiled knowingly at Kirsty. Moments later, she and Logan were standing alone by the side of the creek.

  Neither of them said anything for a short while. The soft murmur of the creek drifted on the air, mingling with the whispering of the wind through the branches of the trees.

  Finally, Logan cleared his throat. "Its been quite a day."

  Kirsty nodded. "It sure has. You must be tired after all that work."

  "To be honest, it felt good to be working with the others. Especially with men like those," he said glancing back in the direction of the cabin. "They really know what they're doing."

  "It's the life they've chosen," she said.

  He nodded. "A good life. That's for sure. Homesteading sure brings out the best in people."

  She hadn't heard him talk so positively about her kind of life before. "It only brings out what is in there to begin with," she said to him. She really believed that. She'd heard of people who'd tried the homesteading life only to discover that its hardships had made them realize some unpleasant truths about themselves.

  As if he was reading her mind, he said: "I guess it teaches folks the truth about what kind of people they really are." He gazed intently at her. "What matters most to them."

  Kirsty met his gaze and tilted her head. Her conversation with Bridget emboldened her to get to the heart of the matter with him. "What's important to you, Logan?"

  Logan lowered his head and gazed at Kirsty. He didn't say anything as he advanced. Halting in front of her, Logan lifted his hand and rested the tips of his fingers beneath her chin. His touch sent waves of delight flooding through her. She gasped as she looked up into his eyes.

  "You're important to me," he breathed. His words shook her, and she felt her pulse quicken. "More than that," he added. He moved closer. Now she caught his scent on the breeze. "You mean everything to me." Lowering his voice to a soft murmur, he added. "You are truly precious to me, Kirsty."

  She felt herself sway. Every muscle in her body seemed to soften as she gazed up into his eyes; as she listened to his every word; as she savored his touch.

  She knew what she wanted him to do. And, as if sensing her wish, Logan leaned closer and kissed her. The warmth of his lips sent waves of delight sweeping through her. Logan's arms encircled her, drawing her into his embrace. She felt the strength of his body as she leaned against him. Her mind became an exquisite blank as his kiss continued, sweeping her into a world of joy. Kirsty wanted that joy to never end.

  Then he lifted his head and gazed down at her. The corner of his mouth creased with the hint of a smile. His eyes were bright with obvious delight. She'd never seen him look so happy.

  "Kirsty," he murmured. She loved the sound of her name on his lips. His eyes flickered hesitantly. He looked as if he wanted to say something more than just her name.

  Reaching up, she ran her fingers through his dark hair. "Yes?"

  "I have to tell you something," he said quietly.

  Smiling up at him, she remembered Bridget's words. "Say what's in your heart, Logan."

  His eyes widened slightly. He seemed surprised by her encouraging words.

  Holding her close to him, Logan dipped his head and gazed with fervent intensity into her eyes. "Kirsty MacAnliss." He hesitated, and his breathing quickened. "I love you."

  His words rang in her ears like sweet music. Joy sprang to life in her heart. She smiled at Logan and dragged in a deep calming breath. There was really only one thing she wanted to say to him.

  "And I love you, Logan Kincaid," she said, meaning it with all her heart. Immediately she'd said the words, a weight lifted from her shoulders. She smiled at him, feeling her spirit rise.

  Logan's eyes lit up. This time there was nothing hesitant about his smile. It was as broad as could be.

  "You do?" he gasped.

  She laughed quietly. "I do love you, Logan," she murmured. Tilting her head, she furrowed her brow playfully. "I think I might have always loved you. I just didn't realize it before now."

  Now it was Logan's turn to laugh. With his arms still wrapped around her, Logan lifted his head and gazed up at the darkening sky. His joy-filled laugh echoed across the creek. His powerful chest shook as he held her close. It was a laugh which contained delight and relief in equal measure.

  Lowering his head, he smiled at her. "You're amazing. You know that, don't you."

  Kirsty gazed at him. She realized she could be happy for a very long time if it meant hearing him say sweet words like those to her. "And so are you, Logan." Lifting her hand, she caressed the side of his face. The day old stubble was rough against her skin. "You've changed. That crazy, impulsive boy I once knew has grown up to be a strong, responsible man." She smiled at him. "And you know what?"

  Logan lifted his brows. "What?"

  "I kind of like it," she admitted.

  She felt Logan's body relax against hers. His arms tightened around her. Being in Logan's arms felt good. It felt right. She never wanted him to let her go. He spoke in a low murmur. "When I was gone all those years, I thought about you. Plenty of times."

  "You did?"

  Logan nodded. "I used to wonder what your life was like. I knew you'd probably be homesteading. Carrying on the life your parents built." He sighed. "But I never realized just how tough and strong-hearted you were. It takes a lot of guts to live a life like this," he said.

  "I think everyone ov
er at the cabin would agree with you on that," she said.

  Logan's brows furrowed. "They've won my respect today. I can see what they're making for themselves. And their families."

  The mention of family, made something sharp hitch in her chest. Instantly, she felt the physical need to put space between herself and Logan. She felt like something was pulling her away from Logan, tugging at her, trying to ruin everything between them. The merest mention of family had done that. She tried to fight the feeling, but it was too strong.

  Stepping to one side, she released herself from his embrace. Wrapping her arms around herself, she paced a short distance along the side of the creek. She didn't look back at Logan. But she was sure that, if she'd done so, she'd see a surprised look on his face.

  Maybe he was leading up to something, she told herself. Perhaps the next thing he'd speak about would be Jack and Alice. She thought back to what Bridget had said about becoming a mother as well as a wife. She asked herself if she was ready for that. Secretly, in her heart, Kirsty knew the answer to that. In spite of the uncertainty and doubt, she knew, deep down, that becoming a mother to the children would be the greatest gift God would give her. All she needed was the courage to accept her Lord's will.

  She offered up a silent prayer. Lord. You have brought all of these blessings into my life. And I feel I hardly deserve such generosity. Grant me the strength to face my doubts. And grant me the wisdom to accept Your will and let Logan and the children into my life for good.

  Kirsty sensed Logan move closer to her. Turning, she saw him at her side. His brows were furrowed with worry. Hesitating a moment, he ran a hand through his hair.

  "There's something I have to tell you," Logan said. "Its about that man we met today on the trail."

  Kirsty narrowed her eyes. "What about him?"

  Logan dragged in a deep breath. He looked uncomfortable, as if he was about to tell her something terrible.

  Suddenly, inexplicably, she knew she didn't want to know, Whatever it was, it meant nothing, compared to what Logan had just told her. Now that she knew Logan loved her, and that she loved him, nothing else in the world mattered. If she and Logan loved one another, she wouldn't let anything, or anyone, stand in her way.

  As Logan's mouth opened, she lifted her hand to his lips and placed her fingers across his mouth. Logan's eyes widened.

  "Whatever you're thinking to tell me about that man, I don't want to know."

  She felt his gasp against her fingers. He looked at her with astonishment.

  "But, Kirsty," he started to say.

  Kirsty shook her head. "No, Logan. Maybe some day you can tell me about him. But not now. Not after what we've said to one another."

  Logan's shoulders slumped as if a great weight had been lifted from them. Kirsty leaned closer to Logan, wrapped her arms around his body, and nestled against him. Logan's arms slid around her. Resting in Logan's embrace again, she felt happiness return. This time, all the doubts had been banished.

  Kirsty rested the side of her head against Logan's chest. She heard the powerful, steady beating of his heart; she felt the warmth of his body; she inhaled his exquisite manly scent. This was where she belonged. She knew that now. Resting there for a long while, she felt peace settle upon her. She thought of all the times she'd rejected Logan's advances. All the times she'd pushed him away.

  The time for doing that was over, she told herself. She loved this man. And she loved both of his precious children.

  Logan shifted, and Kirsty leaned her head back, gazing up at him. She saw a fresh determination in his eyes.

  "Kirsty. I've told you how much I love you," Logan murmured. Kirsty nodded. "You believe me, don't you," he said.

  "Of course I do," Kirsty replied softly.

  Logan dragged in a deep breath. He swallowed, and she thought he looked suddenly nervous. He glanced left toward the creek. His eyes narrowed. They shifted thoughtfully. With all that had happened, she figured she knew what he might ask her next. A few weeks ago, all of this would have seemed like an impossible dream. But not any longer.

  Logan took a step back and grasped Kirsty's hands. His gaze was steady and very determined. "Kirsty."

  "Yes, Logan?"

  Slowly, Logan eased down onto one knee and gazed up at her. Startled, she gasped as she met his unshifting gaze.

  "Kirsty MacAnliss," Logan said. His voice was shaking with emotion. "Will you do me the great honor of agreeing to become my wife?" Logan gasped, as if he could hardly believe what he'd just said. "Will you marry me, Kirsty?"

  Kirsty heard a roaring sound in her ears. Heart pounding furiously, eyes moistening with emotion, she sighed with joy. She nodded quickly and smiled at Logan. "I will," she exclaimed.

  Logan's features lit up like a new sunrise. "You will?"

  Kirsty nodded briskly and laughed. "I will marry you, Logan Kincaid."

  He rose quickly, still holding her hands with great tenderness. Facing her directly, he gazed at her, his eyes filled with intense affection. Delight and joy filled her heart.

  "I love you, Kirsty," he declared. And then he swept her into his arms, embracing her. His head dipped and he kissed her again. Her entire being came to life as his tender lips caressed hers. He held her for what seemed like an eternity. Finally, he released her.

  Cupping her chin in his hand, Logan gazed into Kirsty's eyes. "I promise to always love you and care for you," he said softly. He leaned his head closer and kissed her briefly.

  When he'd lifted his lips from hers, Kirsty smiled up at him. Reaching her hand up, she shifted some loose, dark hairs which had settled upon his forehead.

  "What are the children going to say?" she asked Logan.

  He laughed quietly. "They're going to be real happy about this. Back at the boardinghouse, all they talk about is you and the homestead and how much they'd like to live there."

  "Really?" she asked lifting her brows.

  Logan nodded. "Their dream is going to come true."

  Kirsty smiled. "They're not the only ones whose dreams are about to come true," she told him.

  "Shall we go and tell them?" Logan suggested.

  Kirsty nodded. "I can't wait."

  Logan slid his arm around Kirsty's waist. They made their way through the grove and across the field to the cabin. Emerging into the yard, Kirsty saw the heads of everyone seated at the table turn and look at her and Logan. There were some shocked expressions as they took in the sight of her and Logan standing, locked together like this. There was no sight of Alice or Jack. Kirsty figured the children must be inside the cabin with Bridget.

  Gustav, Karl and Calum left the table and came across to her and Logan.

  "We have an announcement to make," Logan declared. His voice was filled with pride as it echoed across the yard. The three men exchanged smiles.

  The door to the cabin opened. Bridget emerged, with Jack and Alice on either side of her. Kirsty saw Alice's mouth drop open. Jack's eyes widened. Then both children broke into a run, racing toward her and Logan.

  Both children tumbled against Kirsty's skirts. She held Jack and Alice close to her. Smiling at the children, she laughed.

  "Is it true, pa?" Alice asked.

  "It sure is," Logan announced. He ruffled Jack's hair. "Kirsty is going to be your ma," Logan said. Looking at Kirsty, Logan added: "Isn't that right."

  Kirsty gazed down at the children. Both them were staring up at her, wide-eyed. Their faces were bright with joy. "Your pa is right." Kirsty leaned down and smiled at them. "Your pa and I are going to be married."

  Both children cried out with delight and threw themselves into Kirsty's arms. She hugged Jack and Alice tightly against her. She heard muffled moans of happiness from the two of them. Holding them close, Kirsty savored their expression of pure joy.

  Finally, she released them and stood. She took Jack and Alice by the hand and gazed at Logan.

  Logan addressed the gathering of homesteaders which had congregated around himself and Kir
sty. "I just wanted you all to know the good news." He slid his arm around Kirsty's waist and grinned. "Kirsty has agreed to become my wife."

  Every homesteaders began to cheer and applaud. Bridget raced up to Logan and Kirsty.

  Bridget hugged Kirsty. "I'm so happy for you," she said. Her voice cracked with emotion. Turning to Logan, she hugged him too. "You've got yourself someone real special there, Logan. But I guess you already know that."

  Logan smiled at Kirsty. "I sure do, Bridget."

  For the next few minutes Logan and Kirsty received congratulations from each of the homesteader families. A toast was raised to the newly-announced couple. It was the perfect end to what had been a wonderful day, Kirsty reflected as she stood alongside Logan and the children. The celebrations continued until the sun was beginning to set behind the distant mountains.

  Then it was time for Logan and the children to head back to Inspiration. Getting ready to follow him in her own buckboard, Kirsty said her farewells to the Shaughnessy family and the other homesteaders. Logan announced that invitations to the wedding would be forthcoming. That was fine by Kirsty. After the homesteaders, invitations would have to be made to folks in town. Especially her cousin, Abby. Kirsty wondered how Abby would react to the news. She'd be excited. That was for sure.

  Heading back up the trail in the growing darkness, Kirsty's heart sang with happiness. The children kept looking back at her. Logan could hardly keep his eyes on the trail. Pretty soon, they'd be moving into the homestead, Kirsty told herself. Then they'd all be a family.

  Kirsty lifted up her heart to the Lord and offered a quiet prayer. Thank you, Lord. For giving me this wonderful blessing. My gratitude will be everlasting.

  Logan called back to Kirsty. "What do you say to going to church tomorrow and telling the whole town."

  "That sounds like a good idea," Kirsty replied. "I'll bring my buckboard and collect you at the boardinghouse."

  Logan nodded. "That's a good plan." He turned to Jack and Alice. "What do you think?"

  The sound of the children's delight rang out across the darkening fields.