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The Texas Sheriff's Family Blessing (Testament Creek Book 2) Page 18
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Page 18
"Maybe she'll find a husband," Grace suggested.
"She's got a way to go before she's fully recovered," Hope said.
"Thanks to you and Doc Clanton's care," Grace stated.
Hope didn't often look embarrassed. But right now her cheeks were flushing bright red. "I just helped in whatever way I could," she said.
Grace gazed out across the rangeland. She saw a movement away in the distance. Sitting bolt upright, she peered into the semi-darkness. Her heartbeat quickened and she dragged in a deep breath. "I think that's Tyler," she exclaimed.
Hope leaned forward and followed Grace's gaze. Hope stood quickly and glanced down at Grace. "I'll go get the children." Then she raced into the ranch house.
Grace stood and clasped her hands. Gazing hard into the half-light she saw a solitary rider coming straight across the rangeland. Deep inside herself, she knew who it was.
Tyler was home. A heaviness settled in Grace's middle as she wondered what news he was bringing. The fact that he'd made it back home in time had to be encouraging.
If there had been any serious problems, any delays to getting agreement from the judge, she figured Tyler wouldn't have come back. He'd have stayed in Austin and fought for what he and Grace knew to be right.
Grace stepped off the porch and stood on the dusty yard. She watched the advancing rider and narrowed her eyes.
Now she could see him. It was Tyler. He was sitting upright in his saddle and peering at the ranch house. He was too far away, and it was too dark for her to see his expression. Frustration tugged at her and she moaned impatiently.
From behind her she heard the sound of the door opening and footsteps pounding on the porch. Grace turned and saw Jack and Katie. Hope remained standing at the open door.
Grace reached out to the children. "Come, children. Your father is home," Grace said. Realizing what she'd just said, Grace looked at Hope. Her friend merely smiled and stepped back into the house, closing the door softly. The words had escaped from Grace's mouth before she'd had a chance to think what she was saying.
Jack and Katie came running to Grace. They both tumbled against her skirts. Grace hugged both of the children close to her. She heard Katie sobbing quietly. Grace gazed down at the little girl.
Lifting Katie's chin, she smiled at her. "What it is, Katie?" Grace asked softly.
"What if they said no," she murmured. There was fear in the little girl's voice.
Grace hugged Katie tightly. "Don't you worry. The Lord has made everything good. I know it."
She felt Katie's body relax against her. When she looked again at Katie's features, there was one solitary tear beneath her eye. Grace wiped the tear away and smiled at Katie. "Trust me, Katie," she said.
When Katie smiled, Grace felt her own heart swell with joy. This was what it meant to be a mother. Love could ease every pain.
Grace heard the hoofbeats of Tyler's horse. She turned, resting a hand across the shoulders of each of the children. Tyler rode into the yard. When he set eyes on Grace, Katie and Jack standing in the yard, waiting to welcome him home, Tyler smiled broadly.
Grace's spirits lifted when she saw the expression on Tyler's face. It was a look filled with triumph. Grace heard Jack and Katie both exclaim with wordless delight. They both looked up at Grace and smiled. They weren't looking at her with hope anymore.
They knew. Just like she did.
"I told you everything would be alright, didn't I, children?" Grace announced.
Tyler drew his horse to a halt and dismounted quickly. He came to Grace and the children. He was like a man charging toward the finish line of a gruelingly long race.
Tyler tumbled into Grace's arms. The children hugged Tyler, too. Nothing had been said, but they all knew what had happened.
For a few long moments, Grace let the emotions of the reunion take over her. It felt wonderful to be back in Tyler's arms. Then Tyler gazed at the children and squatted down. Facing them, he grinned and stretched out his arms. Jack and Katie tumbled into Tyler's embrace.
Leaning back, Tyler peered into the eyes of the children. "I have some wonderful news," he declared. "The judge said yes."
Jack and Katie whooped with delight and threw themselves into Tyler's arms again. Their muffled cries made Grace's heart swell. As Tyler held them, he lifted his head and smiled up at Grace. "I told you, didn't I?" he murmured.
Grace nodded. "You did."
Tyler held the children for a while longer. Jack and Katie held onto Tyler as they looked up at Grace. Then, finally, Tyler stood and wrapped his arms around Grace, holding her for a long moment.
Tyler smiled at all three of them. "The judge agreed that we can become a family." He smiled down at Jack and Katie. "Grace and I are your parents now." Tyler lifted a brow. "What do think of that?"
Jack and Katie exchanged a look and then both of them cried out with delight and in perfect unison. "Great!"
Their little voices echoed across the yard. Grace saw Hope gazing out from the parlor window. She was smiling. She knew Tyler had brought home the best possible news.
Tyler slid his arm around Grace's waist. Katie went to Grace's side, while Jack went to stand at Tyler's side. Grace smiled up at Tyler. He was covered in dust and looked like he'd ridden all day. But there was delight in the shimmering moistness of his eyes. She could see how much this meant to Tyler.
Standing with their newly adopted children, Grace and Tyler both gazed toward the ranch house. "This is your home now," Grace said to the children. She looked at Tyler. "Our home," she added softly.
Tyler grinned. "Those are the sweetest words I've ever heard," he stated.
Grace agreed. "I love you comes pretty close too, don't you think?" she said with a slightly teasing tone of voice.
She saw the eyes of the children widen with delight. Tyler nodded. "Let's go, everyone. We have a new life to start."
And then they all started to walk toward the ranch house.
The series will continue with the next novel which is titled:
Her Texas Rancher.
Thank you for reading The Texas Sheriff's Family Blessing. I hope you enjoyed the novel.
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Brides of Inspiration series.
The Rancher's Bride Arrangement
The Rancher's Marriage of Convenience
The Rancher's Second Chance Bride
The Rancher's Bride Surprise
The Rancher's Bride Blessing
The Rancher's Devout Bride
The Rancher's Christmas Miracle
The Rancher's Christmas Wish
The Rancher's Reunion Bride
The Rancher's Beloved Bride
The Rancher's Frontier Family
The Cowboy's Frontier Courtship
The Lawman's Frontier Bride
Testament Creek series
The Texas Cowboy's Courtship (Christian Western Romance) (Testament Creek series Book 1)