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The Rancher’s Bride Surprise Page 18
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Page 18
"I think she's enjoying the picnic, don't you?" Micah said as he peered at Lily.
Rachel nodded. "More than that," she replied. "She's getting used to ranch life."
His brows rose approvingly. "That's encouraging," he observed.
"Is it?" she asked.
Micah leaned closer, his eyes narrowing. "I think so. It means we're doing the right thing."
"Which is?"
"Making sure that Lily is happy," Micah admitted. "Isn't that what all of this is about?"
Rachel nodded. "I guess so."
He frowned. "You don't seem so sure."
Rachel narrowed her eyes. "There's also you and I to think about. Isn't there? How we're getting along."
"And what do you think of that?" Micah asked, a hint of hope in his low voice.
Rachel tilted her head. "I think things have been improving," she said slowly. Lifting her brows she asked: "Don't you?" She felt her heart quicken because she knew she had made a bold move. According to her own standards, at least. A week ago, she would never have thought to say such a thing to Micah. But, now was so very different. He had changed so much, that it had made it easy for her to say those words.
Micah nodded slowly. "I think you're right," he murmured. His voice had that velvet quality which always made her feel a quiver of emotion. There had been a certainty about the way he'd said that.
Rachel glanced across at the grove of trees. There was no sign of Lily. For a moment, she worried where she'd gone. She glanced at Micah and he narrowed his eyes. "Don't worry," he said. "She'll be fine. There's nothing dangerous around here."
Instantly, she felt her tension ease. She sighed and lay her head down on the blanket, stretching her body out. She gazed up at the azure blue sky, feeling every muscle in her body relax. Her mind emptied, all the worries of the afternoon drifting away on the soft breeze which caressed her skin.
Rachel sensed a movement next to her. Her gaze flickered toward Micah. She saw him move toward her, propping his head on his hand as he planted his elbow close to her head. His head was inches away from hers. His gaze had softened. His dark eyes contained a look she'd seen before. A deep fascination with her; an interest that went beyond the casual.
The breeze swept across her, shifting some hair loose. Strands flitted across her face. He reached out and gently brushed the hair away from her face. She felt herself quiver as his fingers touched her skin. Her heartbeat was racing now. Just like it did every time he was near her. She'd grown used to the way he affected her. Come to expect it every time he was near.
Nothing needed to be said. He gazed longingly into her eyes. She told herself she'd been waiting for this moment for a very long time. And now that it had arrived, all she wanted to do was let it happen.
Micah dipped his head and laid his lips gently upon hers. Instantly, she felt herself come alive. Sensation swept through her as she savored the feeling of his moist lips caressing her own. His scent was almost overpowering. His physical presence something she couldn't ignore. The warmth of his soft breath. Not that she wanted to ignore how he made her feel. Because, she'd been waiting for him to kiss her for longer than she wanted to admit. Everything faded away in that instant. All her worries. Every one of her concerns were swept aside by his tender attentions. Rachel wanted it to last forever, but she knew it couldn't.
When he did finally lift his head and gaze down into her eyes, she felt a wonderful peace overtake her. She smiled up at him and lifted her hand, caressing the side of his face. She felt the roughness of the slight stubble on his jaw. He didn't say a word. But he didn't need to, as far as she was concerned. Everything she wanted to know could be seen in his eyes. In that bright, joy-filled gaze.
A sudden noise from far off caused him to move quickly away from her. Lily's voice. Singing one of her favorite happy songs. Tensing immediately, Rachel sat up, expecting to see Lily emerging from the grove of trees. Thankfully, for the moment, Lily was nowhere to be seen.
Rachel glanced at Micah. He'd also straightened, sitting up and gazing toward the trees. Rachel wondered what she should say to Micah. The kiss had told her so much. It had answered questions. It had made her feel wonderful. But it had also triggered a whole new set of doubts.
Now, what was she to do? What could she possibly tell him after that? Where could they go from here?
After a few moments, Rachel saw Lily emerge from the grove. Micah stood and went toward Lily. "You didn't go anywhere near the fence, did you?" he asked.
Lily frowned. "No. Why?"
"Because there's wire there. I don't want you cutting yourself on it," he explained.
She saluted Micah and smiled. "I promise I won't go anywhere near it," she announced.
Micah turned to Rachel and smiled. It was as if he was already taking on the role of protective parent. Such a small thing, really, she told herself. But, it showed that he desperately wanted the best for Lily.
Rachel stood and went to Lily. She placed a hand on Lily's shoulder. "What do you say we go back to the ranch house. See how the other Lily is doing."
Rachel saw Micah's brows furrow slightly. Had he wanted to stay longer? But, surely he understood that, after that kiss, the only place they could go to was back home. Lily agreed enthusiastically. "Help me put the things back in the carriage," Rachel told Lily.
As Rachel and Lily packed the blanket and baskets away on the carriage, she couldn't help noticing that Micah was far less happy-looking than he'd been immediately after kissing her.
The ride back to the ranch house was conducted in silence. Micah seemed lost in thought. Perhaps he was confused by Rachel's behavior. But, she told herself she'd had no other choice but to create some time for herself to think over what had happened. Surely he understood that, she told herself.
Back at the ranch, the children clambered onto the carriages and then they headed back toward town. Tomorrow, they'd be brought back up for another lesson. Another long day at the makeshift ranch schoolhouse.
After checking on the foal, Lily eventually consented to Rachel taking her home. Micah insisted on taking her and Lily home. But, the journey back into town was in stark contrast to the friendliness and promise of the ride in the morning. They arrived back at the Cameron house. Micah said a polite goodnight and watched as Rachel and Lily headed into the house. Micah drove off looking confused and disappointed.
Sophie was on hand to help get Lily ready for her nap up in her room. Once the door was closed, and Rachel was alone with Lily, she knew what she had to ask her niece. The question had been tumbling around in her mind all the way down the trail into Inspiration.
Lily was tucked up in her bed, the blanket pulled up to her chin. Wide-eyed and not looking the slightest bit sleepy, Lily gazed up at Rachel.
"Did you have a good day, Lily?" Rachel asked.
Lily nodded. "The best ever."
Rachel frowned. "Really? That good?"
"This has been the happiest day of my life." Lily announced abruptly.
Rachel almost gasped with amazement. "Why?" she asked incredulously.
"Because you and Micah really like each other," Lily stated. "And that makes me happy," she added, giving Rachel a huge grin.
It took Rachel a few moments to gather her thoughts. "Do you like Micah?" she asked eventually. It was the most important question she could think to ask.
Lily's lips tightened into a thin line and she nodded vigorously. Rachel could see just how excited Lily was. The little girl was shaking with excitement beneath the bed covers. "And you like him. Don't you, Rachel." Lily lifted her head up off the pillow. "Tell me. Tell me," she insisted.
Rachel smiled warmly at Lily. How could she not tell her niece the truth? That Micah had found his way into her heart. Slowly, day by day. Moment by moment. And that now, after all the trials she'd been through, she felt as if God had led her to someone with whom she could journey through life.
Rachel tugged up the blanket around Lily's chin. "God has been very
kind to us, Lily," she said. "He has brought us to a very special place. And he has brought a very special man into our lives. We should give our thanks and our prayers for that."
Lily nodded. "I'll say my prayers for Micah tonight, if you like," she said.
Rachel nodded. "I'd like that very much, Lily," she replied.
And I will also give my thanks to God, Rachel told herself. I will praise him with my prayers and thank him for guiding Lily and I to a safe haven. Because, Rachel knew the truth now. More clearly than at any previous moment. Love for Micah Buchanan had found its way into her heart. And she was certain that he felt the same for her. She'd seen it in his eyes today. And she'd felt it so many times from him these past days.
Her thoughts were interrupted by Lily's quiet voice. "Is Micah going to be my pa from now on?"
At any other time, Rachel would have been shocked by such a question. But, not now.
"Are you and Micah going to get married?" Lily asked, as if making sure that Rachel couldn't avoid giving her an answer. Lily had the determined spirit of her real mother. She wouldn't give in easily.
Rachel ran a hand, gently across Lily's brow. She smiled at the little girl, whose expression was one of wide-eyed hope. "I hope so, Lily," Rachel said softly. "I truly hope so."
Lily grinned and sighed contentedly. Her eyes twinkling with delight, Lily shifted onto her side. Rachel stood and walked to the window and gazed down into the street. She pulled the curtains closed, softening the light in the room.
Rachel walked to the bedroom door and opened it. Stepping out into the hallway, she closed the door behind her.
She asked herself what she had just done. Thinking about Micah, she realized she'd just made the most momentous decision of her life. Even greater than the choice to come out here. To Inspiration.
Rachel had decided she would give Micah Buchanan the opportunity to propose to her. Just like he'd seemed so close to doing earlier that day.
Now, all she had to do was find a way of convincing him that she was ready to become his wife.
Rachel awoke early the next morning. When she went downstairs, she found that she was the first person up. Usually Sophie would be around to cook up a breakfast before Nathan headed over to the jailhouse. But, this morning, Rachel found herself alone.
To be honest, she was grateful for the chance to prepare herself for the coming day. It promised to be momentous in so many ways. She'd hardly slept all night. But that didn't matter to her. Some days you just had to do what was right, no matter how tired you were. She had a school lesson to give. And she was looking forward to going back up to the ranch. But, that would only be a prelude to what was really important.
She was going to tell Micah just how she felt about him. Just how much affection she harbored for him. How he had found a place in her heart. And she hoped he would say similar things to her. Deep down, she knew he would. She'd seen how close he'd come yesterday to confessing his feelings to her. How he'd nearly declared himself to her.
The memory of their kiss was still burning in her mind. She sighed as she thought about how it had felt to have him so close to her. To feel his presence next to her. She wondered how it would feel to be in his arms. To feel the safety and the love of the rancher's embrace.
Her handsome rancher.
She smiled at that thought. If, barely a few months ago, someone had told her this would happen, she wouldn't have believed them. But it was all true.
She loved Micah Buchanan. And she was sure he loved her. He was a man of few words. A man who kept his heart hidden. But, she'd come to trust him. Come to sense his true feelings. He was a Godly man. Devout, just like her. They had so much in common. And he'd proven to her that he would do whatever it took to ensure that Lily had a good life. Even if that meant a life on the ranch. A different life from anything she had ever anticipated having. That only added to the excitement she felt at the prospect of becoming his wife.
Sophie had spent the last two weeks hinting that Micah would be the perfect husband. But, instead of forcing the issue, she had allowed Rachel to find her own way into Micah's heart. And she'd allowed Micah to take his own faltering steps in a courtship which still made Rachel smile as she recalled Micah's awkwardness.
But, it had all turned out fine in the end.
Rachel decided to take some early morning air. She opened the front door and stepped out onto the porch. Something on the floor of the porch caught her eye and stooped to pick up an envelope. She was shocked to see it had her name on it, written in an unfamiliar hand.
Rachel opened the envelope and slid out a single, small sheet of paper. She unfolded it and read.
Dear Miss Ellsworth,
I'd be grateful if you'd meet me at the schoolhouse early this morning, around seven. I'd like to talk to you about reopening the school. Seems like there's been a misunderstanding, and I'd be obliged if you would give me the opportunity to put that right.
Yours sincerely
Mayor Silas Grant
Rachel frowned, crumpled the note in her hand and thrust it into the pocket of her skirt. The mayor wanted to see her about the school? At this time? It seemed a strange thing to ask so early on Tuesday morning. But if it meant the schoolhouse could be opened again, Rachel figured she'd have to be willing to give it a try. Maybe the mayor had had a change of heart. Perhaps, some of the townsfolk had hounded him so badly that he'd realized the error of his ways.
She went back inside and realized it was almost seven o'clock. Any meeting would only take a short while. And then she could be back at the Cameron house in time to take Lily up to the school. Sophie and Nathan had offered to lend her a carriage.
Rachel left the house and hurried down the empty street. There was no-one else around at this time. She made her way across town and soon found herself on the street which led to the schoolhouse. Up ahead, she could see the white-painted building. Her heart filled at the prospect of getting the schoolhouse open again. Then again, the children had had a taste of ranch life. Maybe they'd be unhappy about giving that up so soon.
Rachel reached the steps of the schoolhouse and halted abruptly. She gazed up at the front doors and gasped. The planks, which had barred her way the last time she'd been here, were gone. And the door to the schoolhouse was wide open. Rachel gazed around her, realizing for a moment that she was completely alone, and then walked up the steps. She reached the open door and called out. Her voice echoed inside the empty schoolhouse, but no-one replied.
Stepping inside, she felt relief at being in the schoolhouse again. It was cool inside the room and the scent of wood filled her nostrils. A familiar, comforting odor, she told herself. Until this moment, she hadn't realized just how much this little space meant to her.
She walked into the high-ceilinged room, her boots sounding heavily on the wooden floor. The desks and chairs were there, just like on the last day she'd been inside the room. Up at the far end she could see her own desk and chair. One of her books still rested on the table. Seized with an urge to retrieve it, she strode up the passageway between the tables. Stepping up onto the low dais, she lifted the book from the table and turned, intending to make her way out. She wondered where the mayor could be. Perhaps he'd been delayed, she told herself.
A sound caught her attention and she glanced over at the corner of the room. Over there, in the soft light cast by the open schoolroom doors, she could see that the door to the annex was open. She frowned, thinking it unusual that the door would be unlocked. Rachel stepped over to the corner and leaned her head into the annex room. Inside, in the gloom, she could see that it was littered with dusty, damaged furnishings, most of which had seen better days. She recognized some of the tools Micah had used to carry out the work on the exterior of the schoolhouse.