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The Texas Sheriff's Family Blessing (Testament Creek Book 2) Page 16

  "Maybe you can give me a letter confirming your approval of this change in the arrangements," Tyler suggested. "I'm sure the judge will be grateful for that. It should make things go more smoothly on Monday in Austin."

  "Of course I could just approve this as a part of the arrangements we've made for Jack and Katie," Morgan suggested.

  Tyler shook his head. "I'll be happier if I get the judge's signature on the adoption papers, Mr Morgan. And I'm sure Grace would say the same."

  "I understand, sheriff," Morgan said. "It is best to be thorough."

  "What about the family in Wyoming?" Tyler asked.

  "I will inform them there has been a change of plans," Morgan replied.

  After a few more minutes of discussion, Tyler bid farewell to Mr Morgan. As he made his way back toward his accommodation, Tyler told himself that the Lord was clearing all the paths in front of him, Grace and the children.

  He couldn't wait to get married.


  "Look at all the people," Grace exclaimed softly as Hope steered the buckboard along the street toward the church. Grace clutched the bouquet of flowers she held in her hand. Sitting alongside her were Katie and Jack. They both gasped audibly when they saw the crowd of people standing outside the church.

  "I had no idea so many wanted to come to the wedding," Grace declared.

  Hope smiled. "Well, we hardly had time to issue personal invitations, did we. It's just another Sunday at church. Only with a wedding added," Hope said brightly.

  "I can see Tyler," Katie said and pointed toward the church.

  Grace saw Tyler standing at the open doors to the church. He was greeting some of the people who were making their way into the church. Even from half-way up the street, Grace could see that Tyler was elegantly dressed in a dark suit and waistcoat. Alongside him stood Pastor Lewis.

  Grace felt nerves twist in her middle. She'd slept fitfully throughout the night, hardly able to stop thinking about the coming day.

  Her wedding day.

  She still hardly believed it was happening. But, one more look at Tyler standing proudly at the church entrance, awaiting his new bride, brought home the reality. This was a day she'd thought would never come.

  Grace glanced at Jack and Katie. They were both dressed in their best outfits. Jack wore a neat-fitting suit. Katie wore a blue gown and matching bonnet that made her look incredibly pretty. Grace's heart filled with warm delight. She saw Hope smiling across at her as the buckboard started to slow.

  There was a ripple of soft applause from the churchgoers as the buckboard drew to a halt. All eyes were on Grace. She felt her cheeks flush with heat as she started to step down from the buckboard seat. Hope raced around and helped Grace down, making sure the edges of the white wedding dress didn't catch on the buckboard. The children leaped down from the buckboard and scampered busily around Grace and Hope. The children's excitement made Grace smile.

  Grace heard the roar of wheels and looked up the street. Cal pulled his buckboard to a sliding halt next to Grace's.

  Prudence stepped down from the buckboard and came quickly to Grace's side. "Are you okay?" Prudence asked urgently. With Hope she started to tug at the wedding dress, making sure it was perfectly arranged for Grace's entrance into the church.

  "I'm fine," Grace declared.

  Prudence and Hope were both dressed in elegant green gowns and bonnets. Grace thought her friends looked beautiful. She was proud of the fact that both of them would accompany her into the church.

  Cal made his way to them. "I'll see you all inside," he said, and then headed off toward the church.

  Glancing over at the church entrance, Grace saw that Tyler had made his way inside. The remaining members of the church congregation were entering the church. A few minutes later, the only people standing outside were Grace, Hope, Prudence and the children.

  Grace smiled at Katie and Jack. "Are you both ready?"

  Katie and Jack nodded enthusiastically. The children would walk behind Grace as she entered the church. Accompanying them would be Prudence and Hope.

  Grace peered at her friends. "This is like a dream," she said breathlessly. Her heart was racing furiously. The heat of the midday sun in the clear blue sky was starting to make her feel warm.

  Prudence and Hope came to Grace. "You're going to be fine," Hope said quietly.

  Prudence nodded. "You are. Just think. Tyler is waiting for you. He'll be excited, too." Grace understood Prudence was trying to be reassuring. But it wasn't working. She still felt nervous.

  "More like terrified," Hope joked.

  All three women laughed quietly. The children smiled up at Grace. "You look beautiful, Grace," Katie said softly. She turned to Jack, waited a moment, and then dug her elbow into Jack's side. "Doesn't she?" Katie added giving Jack a stern look. Grace got the impression the children had prepared these words earlier. Maybe Jack just needed a gentle reminder.

  Jack smiled and nodded. "You look lovely," he said.

  Grace leaned down and peered into the eyes of both children. "I'm so happy you're both here."

  That comment made both children smile.

  Music drifted on the air. The sound of a piano playing the entrance march for the wedding.

  Grace exchanged looks with Prudence and Hope. "Time to go in," she said.

  She made her way to the open church doors. Her friends and the children followed close behind. Reaching the doors, Grace peered inside. The church was completely full. The sound of the wedding march music echoed in the high-ceilinged church.

  With one final look behind her at Prudence, Hope and the children, Grace drew in a deep breath, curled her fingers tightly around the bouquet of flowers and started to walk into the church.

  Stepping inside, the music seemed to swell all around her like a sea. Churchgoers turned to watch Grace as she slowly walked down the aisle. Up ahead she could see Tyler standing alongside the pastor. Holding Tyler's gaze for a long moment, Grace's heart leaped with joy. She felt her spirits soar. Tyler was watching Grace with obvious appreciation.

  The walk up the aisle seemed to last an eternity. Grace was surrounded by dozens of smiling faces. The church was filled with a real spirit of joy and happiness. Grace knew many of the people in the congregation. Since moving to Testament Creek in the summer, Grace had had the chance to get to know many of the townsfolk. At first, coming to church with Tyler had felt awkward. Now, though, she felt as though these were truly her people. The people of the town she'd come to love so much.

  Near the end of her long walk, Grace glanced to her left and saw Miss Hardesty standing in one of the pews alongside the Doc Clanton. Resting a hand against the doctor's arm, Mary Hardesty smiled warmly at Grace. Doc Clanton looked pleased, too. Grace was so glad that Miss Hardesty's first steps outside the doctor's home had brought her to the wedding.

  Finally, Grace reached Tyler and halted alongside him. Tyler's gaze was intense, savoring the sight of his bride-to be. Grace had never felt so much love in all her life. She drew in a deep breath, trying to calm herself. But it was no use. She was here, by Tyler's side, and they were about to be married. It all seemed so miraculous that Grace felt as if she was floating.

  The pastor extended his arms, called to the whole congregation, and the music stopped. Grace and Tyler faced the pastor. She heard everyone behind her taking their seats. Glancing to one side, Grace saw Prudence, Cal, Hope and the children sitting on the front row.

  The pastor started to speak. "Dearly beloved. We are gathered here, under the sight of God, to join these two people in Holy Matrimony."

  Grace looked at Tyler and saw him smile at her. A feeling of profound peace settled upon Grace as she listened attentively to the pastor's words. All the nervousness of the previous hours vanished. She had a deep sense that every moment of her life had been leading up to this. That she'd been brought to this place by a loving hand, guiding her carefully past all the obstacles of ordinary life.

  The p
astor continued to guide her and Tyler through the ceremony, speaking sacred words which were a reminder of their mutual vows. His slow, solemn voice was reassuring. Every once in a while he smiled kindly at her and Tyler, as if offering gentle encouragement.

  When Tyler spoke his vows, Grace was overcome by emotion. Listening to him declare his intentions to love and honor her made Grace's heart almost burst with joy.

  And then it was her turn. She gazed into Tyler's eyes, seeing his tender gaze. With a feeling of adoration and love, Grace spoke her vows. She saw the delight on Tyler's face as he listened to her.

  Then the pastor finally declared Tyler and Grace as man and wife. Moans of delight from the congregation echoed inside the church when Tyler leaned forward and kissed Grace tenderly. Grace savored the kiss, wishing it would last forever. And of course, it would. Because she and Tyler had wed and, from now on, every day would be filled with love and hope and promise.

  Turning to the gathered guests, Tyler took Grace's hand and started to lead her down the aisle. Every one of the congregation looked upon the newlyweds with obvious delight.

  Outside, the sun seemed brighter and the air felt fresher. Grace drew in a deep, calming breath and gazed into Tyler's eyes. He smiled at her. "Mrs Smith," he murmured and lifted a teasing brow.

  Grace crinkled her brows. "Mr Smith," she replied.

  Tyler kissed her again. Soon the congregation started to emerge from inside the church. The pastor offered Tyler and Grace his best wishes. Prudence, Cal, Hope and the children came out and hugged Tyler and Grace.

  Then Miss Hardesty was led out by the doctor. "Congratulations," Mary Hardesty said quietly. The plan was for Mary to come to the ranch and be a part of the celebrations which would take place during the afternoon. Doc Clanton had agreed she was strong enough to go to the ranch. Also the children were thrilled that Miss Hardesty would be there.

  Then it was time to leave for the ranch. Guiding Grace through the crowd of well-wishers, Tyler led her to his buckboard. It had been decorated with a variety of flowers. Grace had made a special request that the sides of the buckboard be lined with bluebonnet flowers.

  Grace took her seat alongside Tyler. She hooked her arm inside Tyler's as he grasped the reins. With her other hand Grace threw the bouquet of flowers over her shoulder. It rose high into the air. She heard a cry of delight and turned to see that Hope had caught the bouquet. Hope seemed momentarily stunned. She smiled weakly at Prudence and then waved the flowers at Grace. Maybe it would be Hope's turn to marry next, Grace reflected.

  The crowd cheered when Grace gave them a wave as Tyler flicked the reins. The buckboard lurched forward and raced down the street. The celebration planned at the ranch would be modest, confined to only those close to Tyler and Grace.

  Tyler sighed contentedly. He gazed at Grace as he steered the buckboard along Main Street and toward the trail. "I must be the happiest man in the world, right now," Tyler said. His features were bright with obvious joy. He meant what he'd said.

  Grace leaned her head against Tyler's shoulder. It felt good to rest against him. Closing her eyes for a few moments, she ran the events of the last half hour over in her mind. It had been a perfect wedding ceremony. Grace's heart was full of joy. Peace descended upon her as she laid her head against the shoulder of the man who was now her husband.

  "I've never felt such joy in my life, Tyler," Grace said softly. Lifting her head, she gazed into his eyes. "I love you."

  Tyler smiled. "And I love you, Grace."

  Tyler leaned his head down and kissed Grace. For a moment, the buckboard swerved worryingly, but Tyler lifted his head and quickly steered it back onto the trail. "Whoa!" he exclaimed and then laughed.

  The buckboard continued on, Tyler tightening his grasp on the reins. "Let's get to the ranch in one piece," he joked.

  Grace nodded. "We have a celebration waiting."

  Tyler nodded and encouraged the two horses to pick up the pace. Grace leaned once more against Tyler and looked forward to the delights of the rest of the afternoon. She'd be surrounded by people she loved. But most important of all, she would have her husband by her side.


  The celebration had been wonderful, Grace reflected early on the Monday morning as she sat at the ranch house kitchen table across from Tyler. Knowing Tyler was planning on making an early start on his journey to Austin, Lucia had left some food for him to eat before his departure. The sun had just risen. The soft early morning dawn light shone into the kitchen as Grace watched Tyler eating his food in silence.

  Grace leaned her elbows on the table, feeling sleep tugging at her, and recalled waking next to Tyler just a short time ago. It had been wonderful to awaken, for the first time, next to her new husband. He'd tried to leave their shared upstairs room without waking her up. But she'd heard his quiet movements and had opened her eyes in time to see him moving carefully toward the door. Having caught him, she'd insisted on following him downstairs. She desperately wanted to talk with Tyler before he left for Austin. Grace stifled a yawn.

  "You must be tired," Tyler said, gazing across at her with obvious concern in his eyes.

  Grace shook her head. "No."

  When she did yawn, Tyler smiled. "See? I told you."

  "I wanted to see you before you leave," Grace explained.

  Tyler scooped some oatmeal into his mouth and chewed as he peered across at Grace. "Got something to tell me?" he asked, lifting a brow.

  Grace nodded. "One or two things."

  "Okay." Tyler was silent for a few moments, so she thought about the joyous celebrations which had taken place out in the yard. A long table had been laid out for the approximately twenty guests, including the three women who owned the ranch, Tyler and Cal, Lucia and her family, Miss Hardesty and Doc Clanton, various ranch hands and, of course, Jack and Katie.

  There had been music, courtesy of two ranch hands who played fiddle and harmonica. There had been dancing, although Mary Hardesty had been persuaded to sit out the jigs and reels. The food had been delicious. And there had been plenty of toasts, honoring the newlyweds. All in all, everyone had had a fine time.

  "Do you have all the papers you need?" Grace asked Tyler.

  He patted a leather saddle bag which he'd placed on the table. "All in here. Marriage certificate. Letters of explanation from Lyle. And also a letter from Nathaniel Morgan." Tyler's brows lifted. "That should be enough, don't you think?"

  "I hope so." Grace replied. She frowned. "You don't think the judge will refuse the adoption request, do you?"

  Tyler peered across at her. "I won't lie to you, Grace. There're never any guarantees. But I believe we've done everything we can to prove we are fit and proper individuals to take care of Jack and Katie."

  "You sound like a sheriff," Grace observed wryly.

  Tyler shook his head. "I'm a father-to-be," he declared.

  Grace sighed. "I suppose it is good that the judge knows you already. At least you're not some stranger turning up at his court."

  "I'm a legally appointed man of the law," Tyler said. "And you are a legal owner of one of the biggest ranches in this territory. This is the perfect place for the children. I think all of that is going to help make his mind up in our favor."

  "I hope you're right, Tyler," she said.

  Tyler reached across and placed his hand over hers. "Trust me, Grace. It's going to work out."

  Grace gazed across at Tyler. She knew she could trust him. She'd seen so many examples of the integrity of his character. Tyler was a fine man. And he'd make a perfect father to the children.

  As if reading her mind, Tyler said. "When I get back, you're going to become a mother to Jack and Katie. A perfect mother in every possible way." Grace felt her cheeks flush. "You know I'm speaking the truth. The Lord has granted us a great blessing, Grace. A family of our own."

  Grace nodded. "I know, Tyler. And I thank the Lord for what He has brought into our lives." She meant every word she'd said
. Her heart was filled with gratitude. Their lives had been changed for the good. Forever.

  Tyler smiled warmly at Grace. He stood and came around the table. Grace stood and faced Tyler. He swept her into his arms and kissed her. She sank into his embrace, savoring his warmth, already feeling how much she would miss him when he was gone.

  Grace leaned her head back and peered up into Tyler's eyes. "You said you'll be back before nightfall," she stated, recalling his promise.

  Tyler nodded. "I will. And when I do come back, you make sure you're here, waiting for me. With the children by your side." Tyler smiled at her. "Will you do that for me?"

  Grace nodded. "I'll make sure we're all here." She lifted a hand and tidied some loose locks of his hair. "You don't want to say goodbye to the children, do you?"

  Tyler shook his head. "I'm not going to wake them. They were exhausted, last night. They need their sleep."

  Grace recalled how Tyler had carried Katie up to her room, with Jack following behind holding Grace's hand. Tyler was right. Jack and Katie had burned so much energy during the celebration that they'd barely been able to make it upstairs to their room. When they'd placed both children in their beds, each had instantly fallen into a deep sleep. For a few quiet moments, Grace and Tyler had stood side by side, gazing at the children, savoring the sight of them sleeping peacefully.

  Without saying a word, Grace and Tyler had exchanged appreciative looks. She knew what he'd been thinking. These were their children. This was their family. There was only one more vitally important step to take. And by the time the sun set on Monday, it would all be official.

  Tyler went to collect the saddle bag on the kitchen table. "I must go."

  When he said those words Grace felt a familiar ache in her heart. Although he was only going away for a day, the prospect of his absence triggered a desperate longing. She was going to miss him.

  Grace followed Tyler out to the yard. The early morning light was getting brighter, but there was a coldness in the air which matched the chill in her heart.