The Rancher’s Bride Surprise Read online

Page 15

  They made it back to the ranch house in double-quick time. Rachel leaped off her horse and, instinctively made her way to the stable. Micah was sure that Lily would be there, attending to her new foal. Maybe Rachel needed that contact with the little girl. Anything to forget what he'd said to her down at what would soon be his portion of the spread.

  Rachel hadn't said a word to him during the entire journey across the rangeland. He didn't blame her. It must have been a lot to take in. And he hadn't exactly been tactful when he'd delivered the news. But, he'd had no other option. He'd had to tell her the whole truth, even if it meant he ran the risk of driving her away from him.

  It was getting on for late in the afternoon. Micah hung around the corral, hoping to get a chance to speak with Rachel. He figured it was wise to stay out of the stable for a while. Let Rachel and Lily enjoy their time together without him causing a bad atmosphere, he told himself as he leaned against the corral fence.

  It had been suggested that Rachel and Lily would stay for dinner with the family. But, when Micah saw the expression on Rachel's face when she emerged from the stable, he knew she had changed her mind. Sure enough, Rachel announced to his parents that she and Lily had to get back into town. Arrangements were made to take her and Lily to Inspiration. And they didn't involve Micah.

  He figured something must have been said inside the big house while he wasn't around. Before he knew it, Honora had brought a carriage around to the front of the house. Micah stood with his parents preparing to watch Rachel and Lily departing. Rachel didn't even look at Micah as she readied herself to leave. Micah saw his father frown at him, as if he was reading the situation for himself. Rachel and Lily said goodbye, bright smiles on their faces, and then they left, with Honora driving the carriage.

  After they had left, Micah couldn't help noticing the look his father was giving him. It was the kind of look Micah recognized. Whenever his father wanted to talk with Micah, that stern gaze was always how his father announced the need to speak with his youngest son. Micah and Caleb wandered away from the house, well out of earshot from anyone. Eventually they made their way down a long path which wound its way past the bunkhouse and out onto open rangeland. The late afternoon sun was hot and Micah felt himself sweating. He wasn't sure if it was the heat that was causing the perspiration, or the prospect of a talking to from his pa. Because he was sure that was what was about to happen.

  Deciding to head off his father's concerns, Micah spoke first. "I messed up, pa."

  Caleb's dark brows furrowed. "I figured that, son."

  Micah sighed. "I told her all about the ranch. And how we stand to lose most of it. But, I just put my foot straight into my mouth."

  Caleb glanced at Micah. "She didn't take it well," he stated. "I could tell by the way she was looking at you before she left."

  "This is plumb crazy, pa," Micah groaned. "How am I going to persuade her to marry me, if she thinks this is all for the benefit of our family? And nothing else."

  Caleb halted and thrust his hands into the pockets of his jeans. "But that ain't true. Is it, Micah? You love that girl. Right?"

  Micah gasped. He tried to laugh, but for some reason it wouldn't come. "I didn't say that."

  "But you do," Caleb retorted. "It's as plain as the sun in the sky. I can see it. And so can your ma."

  Micah gazed incredulously at his father. "Is it that obvious?"

  Caleb nodded. "We could all see it at the dinner table earlier. The way she was looking at you was pretty encouraging, too. Although your ma and I agree on one thing." Caleb's brows furrowed. "You still got some convincing to do, Micah. You haven't done enough, yet."

  Micah shook his head sharply. "I'm no good at this courting, pa. I doesn't come natural to me."

  Caleb rested a hand on Micah's shoulder. "I doesn't come natural to most of us, son. But, there comes a time in every man's life when he has to do the right thing. By himself. And that time has come for you."

  Micah knew his father was speaking the truth. He'd felt it in his bones all day. He'd sensed it every time he'd looked at Rachel, savoring her beauty, enjoying how she spoke with his family, witnessing how easily she had become part of his family. So why had she reacted so badly to him telling her about the situation with his family and the ranch? Was it just that she felt as if she'd been used? Or was this all moving too fast for her? Was her worry about Lily's future forcing Rachel to be cautious about any potential marriage? Especially after the way Calhoun had tricked her?

  "You don't have much time left," Caleb said. "The government man will be here soon. And you know what he'll be bringing. Documents to close us down." Caleb's voice was suddenly filled with indignation. "No doubt that rat, Calhoun won't be far behind." Caleb's mouth turned downwards. "The thought of that makes me sick to my stomach."

  "I know that, pa. And I'm doing all I can."

  Caleb sighed. "What happens if she turns you down flat? Have you thought about that?"

  Realizing he hadn't, Micah frowned. "No. All I've been thinking of these past few days is how I can convince her about how I feel about her."

  Caleb's stern look softened. "You sure about that? Your feelings for her, I mean."

  "What I feel?" Micah asked. "I know they're real. But, I'm just not sure she feels the same way. Every time I get close, she seems to turn tail and run. No matter what I say or do."

  "She's got a lot on her mind," Caleb said. "She's thinking about Lily. That little girl needs a home. A secure family. A father she can trust. Someone who'll look after her. A place where she can grow up safe and sound."

  Micah felt a tightness in his gut as he heard his father say those words. "She figured Calhoun would provide that to her," Micah suggested.

  Caleb shook his head. "She wasn't to know about Calhoun. Rachel's only new in town, and he tried to take advantage of that fact to stop you from courting her." Caleb leaned closer. "You know what that means."

  Micah squinted at his father. "No."

  Caleb grinned and held up his hand in front of Micah's face. His index finger and thumb were almost touching. "Even Calhoun can see that you and Rachel are this close to getting married. He feels the threat because he knows what that means. Failure for him. Happiness for you and Rachel. And he can't stand that." Caleb's voice was filled with passion. Micah could sense how much this meant to his father.

  As if reading his son's mind, Caleb took a step closer. "Is that what's holding you back?"

  Micah frowned. "Who says I've been holding back?"

  Caleb smiled. "If you marry Rachel, you're going to have a family from day one. You'll be a father to that little girl. She's going to be relying on you for everything. That's a big responsibility." Caleb peered at Micah. "You sure that isn't what's scaring you?"

  "I ain't scared of that," Micah exclaimed. From Caleb's steady look, Micah could see that his father was not convinced. "I'm young. I can handle anything."

  Caleb smiled and shook his head. "Maybe you think you're too young to be a family man. I don't agree. I know what it feels like to take on that responsibility. Your brother, Cal, came along when I was about your age. I did what I had to do. I think you can do the same, Micah."

  Thinking about his deceased brother, reminded Micah of just how much was at stake. Cal had died years before. It had been a tragedy which had brought the family closer. Had created a bond between the remaining four brothers. The prospect of damaging that bond was unthinkable.

  Suddenly, Micah felt the need to do what he'd done so often in the past. On so many occasions. Seek his father's guidance. Because that was how the Buchanan family had always done things. Together. As one.

  "What do I need to do?" Micah asked.

  Caleb nodded, as if he'd been waiting for that question. "Do what your heart tells you to do, Micah. She said she's going to be at church tomorrow with Sophie and Nathan." Caleb's gaze became stern again. "Speak to her. Tell her how you feel. Tell her how much it will mean to you if she agrees to marry you. How much i
t'll mean for you to provide a secure family home for her and Lily. That's what it's really about. She's waiting for you to say that, son. Believe me."

  Micah heard the certainty in his father's voice. There was wisdom in those words. Micah knew that. He nodded. "Maybe you're right, pa," he said.

  Caleb frowned. "I know I'm right," he replied. He grinned. "I'm your pa. If you can't trust me, who can you trust?"


  The service had just finished and she was making her way down the church steps when she heard Micah calling out her name. Rachel paused at the foot of the steps, still holding onto Lily's small hand. Rachel saw Micah making his way down the stairs, Bible in hand. He was dressed in his Sunday best. A dark suit and waistcoat and well-polished boots. Behind him, Rachel saw his entire family emerging. Brothers, wives, parents. The entire Buchanan clan, in fact. They all smiled at her and Lily, who waved back enthusiastically. It was a bright, sunny morning. Perfect for church.

  Micah paused at the bottom step and looked down at Lily. "You look real pretty, this morning, Lily," Micah announced. Lily's eyes widened as she looked up at Rachel. Micah was right, Rachel told herself. Lily looked incredibly sweet in her white dress with blue trimmings and plain collar.

  Rachel nodded at Lily and then looked at Micah. "It was a wonderful service, this morning," she stated.

  Micah nodded. "Sure was." He glanced up the stairs. Rachel saw Sophie and Nathan making their way down toward them. "Can you and I take a walk? I'd like to talk to you a while."

  Rachel hesitated and glanced up at Sophie who'd halted alongside Micah. Obviously Sophie had heard what Micah had asked.

  Sophie extended a hand and Lily placed her own hand in Sophie's. "Come, Lily. We can ask about your little horse." Sophie glanced up at the Buchanans. "I'm sure they want to tell you how she was after you left."

  Lily jumped up and down and looked at Rachel. "Can I?"

  Rachel nodded. "Off you go."

  Rachel thought Micah looked real pleased at this outcome. A few moments later, she and Micah were walking slowly down the street and away from the church. For a few long moments, neither of them spoke to each other. She was glad for the silence. An opportunity to gather her thoughts.

  The truth was, she'd done plenty of thinking last night after returning to the Cameron house. After putting Lily to bed, Rachel had spoken with Sophie, eager to confirm what Micah had told her out at the ranch that afternoon. Speaking carefully, Sophie had admitted that what Micah had said was the truth, but that she'd had to wait until Micah had decided when to tell Rachel. Sophie felt that the business at the Buchanan ranch was the family's affair, separate from her job, which was to bring eligible brides to Inspiration. There were plenty of other candidates for matrimony in Inspiration. But, for now, as far as Sophie was concerned, there was no finer potential husband than Micah Buchanan.

  Reluctant to agree outright, Rachel had kept her opinion on that matter to herself. Micah might well be a potentially fine husband, but she couldn't help feeling that this whole affair could have been handled more sensitively. However, during the night, Rachel had found sleep elusive. She had been troubled by images of the handsome rancher all night long. And, much more than just memories of their conversations. She'd found herself speculating about the future. What it would be like to be his wife. What it would be like to live like a family on the ranch. And even whether or not they would have children of their own. To be blessed by God with a family just like the Buchanans.

  Rachel had prayed for guidance. She had asked God to help her see the way. To enlighten her understanding, and to give her the courage to make the right choice. For Lily. Growing up with faith, Rachel had always known that the true test of love was how much you were willing to give to those closest to you. How much of their burdens you were willing to take upon yourself. For her, that was the purest form of love.

  But, what Micah Buchanan was offering included so much more than that. He was offering her a closeness, a bond which would allow them to share a life together. And, hopefully grow in love as the years progressed. Who was she to refuse that, if it was what God wanted for her? If that was God's will, how could she deny that? Rachel had worried herself most of that night, trying to come up with an answer to those questions.

  Finally, they were out of sight of the folks at the church. She realized they were headed down a street which would lead to the schoolhouse. As if it was necessary to explain that, she spoke: "I'm going to the schoolhouse for a moment. I need to collect a book for tomorrow's lesson."

  "Okay," he agreed. He paused, apparently weighing up his next words. "About yesterday, Rachel. I feel like I didn't give you a chance to say what you wanted to me. I sprung too much on you. I realize that."

  "It was a surprise, Micah," she replied. "That was all. I was just taken aback. I didn't expect any of that."

  He nodded. "I know it sounds crazy, and all. But it is the way it is. And there's nothing I can do to change that."

  Getting to the point, she slowed her walking pace and looked up at him. "You need a wife. It's that simple."

  His eyes widened and his cheeks flushed with obvious emotion. You sure know how to get to the point."

  She shrugged. "Comes from dealing with children all day long, I guess."

  He quirked a brow at her. "You saying I'm like a child?" he teased her.

  "Of course not," she said, shaking her head. For some inexplicable reason, her gaze flickered down the length of his tall figure. He saw the way she'd looked at him. Being caught, prompted her to blurt out: "You're a fine specimen of a grown man."

  She'd meant for it to sound light-hearted. Just like his teasing remark of a moment before. But, it hadn't come out that way. Not at all. In fact, her voice had been filled with genuine approval. Real admiration. There was no hiding the appreciation and delight in her tone of voice.

  He didn't even react. Which just made it worse. She felt her cheeks flush and she turned her head away from him. But, what she'd said was the truth. Micah Buchanan was a very fine-looking man. The sight of his broad shoulders, his tall frame, his long legs. It all triggered an uncontrollable reaction in her. Her heart quickened inexplicably, despite every one of her rational thoughts. Emotion flares treacherously, making fun of her every attempt to calm herself. He was merely an acquaintance, she told herself. Nothing more. Wasn't that the safest way to think about this perfectly handsome man walking by her side? And wasn't that the only sensible way to move forward?

  They were silent again for a while as they walked. The narrow street had houses on either side. Each house was set on two level and each had a picket fence and small garden. They were the same kinds of house as that which belonged to Sophie and Nathan. More than once since she'd arrived, Rachel had toyed with the notion that this kind of house would be perfect for her and Lily. She still wasn't sure that ranch life would be something she could get used to. Or even that it would be right for Lily.

  She heard him clearing his throat. Maybe she had embarrassed him, after all. She turned to face him again and saw that his eyes were brighter than a few moments ago.

  "Look, Rachel," he said. "I know I made a mess of things yesterday. And I want to say I'm sorry. You're right. You deserved to know how things stand, a lot sooner. And I regret not doing that."

  She was touched by the sincerity in his voice. "It's okay, Micah. I understand. It can't be easy what you and your family are facing. Sophie confirmed it all to me last night."

  Micah's brows rose. "She did?"

  Rachel nodded. "Seems like I landed in the middle of a situation," she said. "Much like Johanna and Rosalind did."

  Micah sighed. "It doesn't matter. We'll know soon enough how things are going to end up."

  "What do you mean?" she asked.

  "A man from the government is coming soon. He'll be fixing things for good if that plot of land I showed you hasn't been claimed."


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