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The Texas Sheriff's Family Blessing (Testament Creek Book 2) Read online

Page 14

  As his lips caressed hers with tenderness and love, Grace's mind was swept up by a whirlwind of thoughts. How had this all happened? Since the moment she'd met Tyler for the first time outside the sheriff's office, months before, every step they'd taken together seemed to have been leading to this moment.

  And now she was his. She had agreed to become his wife.

  Grace gasped with delight as Tyler continued to kiss her with obvious love and affection. Her entire being had come to life in a way she'd never experienced before.

  Tyler ended the kiss by leaning his head back. He gazed into Grace's eyes and smiled. "You have made me the happiest man in Texas."

  Grace lifted a brow. "Just in Texas?" she joked.

  Tyler laughed quietly and then kissed her. Leaning back he said: "I promise to make you happy, Grace. To do everything I can to honor and protect you. To make every day filled with joy." His gaze brightened with sheer joy. When he spoke next, his voice shook with emotion. "To love you more and more from this day forward."

  Grace moved some loose locks of Tyler's hair away from his forehead. "And I promise to always love you, Tyler," she told him. Her voice cracked with emotion.

  This time it was her turn to kiss him. Lifting her mouth up to him, she kissed him softly and tenderly.

  Grace could have rested in Tyler's arms for a long time, but it seemed it wasn't to be. Footsteps thudded on the stairs.

  "Someone's coming," Grace said, expecting Tyler to quickly release her.

  Instead, he held her tightly and turned to face the open parlor door. Hope, dressed in a plain blue gown, came bounding across the hallway and stopped at the parlor entrance. Her mouth dropped open as she took in the sight of Tyler and Grace in a tender embrace and looking like they were both on top of the world.

  "Oh!" Hope exclaimed and started to turn, making as if to leave.

  "Hope. Stay," Grace exclaimed. "We have the most wonderful news to tell you." Grace smiled at Tyler. "Isn't that right."

  Tyler nodded. "Yes."

  Hope stepped into the room and advanced slowly toward Grace and Tyler. Her initial shock was starting to wear off. "News?" she asked.

  Grace nodded. "Can't you guess?"

  Hope smiled and looked from Grace to Tyler and back again. "I have been watching you two for a few months. I think I know what you're about to tell me." Hope squealed with excitement and lifted a hand to the frilled collar of her gown. "But, tell me anyway," she added enthusiastically.

  Grace glanced at Tyler and he smiled at her. She let go of Tyler and faced him. "Tyler has asked me to marry him. And I have accepted."

  Hope yelled with delight and leaped into Grace's arms. "I'm so happy for you, Grace," Hope declared. "I knew this was going to happen. Sooner or later."

  Grace released Hope. "You have the smartest woman in Texas there, Tyler," Hope said. "You know that, don't you."

  Tyler grinned. "And the most beautiful, too," he added.

  "She is," Hope agreed. She hugged Grace one more time. "Prudence and Cal are going to be so excited by this. And on the day when they announced they're going to become parents."

  "It is amazing, isn't it," Grace concurred.

  "What prompted this?" Hope asked. "I mean today of all days." Unspoken was the fact that it wasn't long since Nathaniel Morgan had left the Circle T.

  "For a long time I've wanted to ask for Grace's hand," Tyler said. Grace realized he'd just moved the conversation away from the subject of their recent visitor. "But I just couldn't find the right moment."

  Grace said. "You've got a busy life keeping law and order in Testament Creek."

  Tyler shook his head. "Speaking of town, you and I need to go into town, right now, Grace," Tyler announced.


  Tyler nodded. "Before it gets dark. I want to find out when the pastor can marry us." His voice was filled with joy and enthusiasm. "The sooner the better."

  Hope laughed. "Why are you in such a hurry?" she asked.

  Grace and Tyler exchanged a careful look. Grace knew the time had come to share the other reason for the decision to marry.

  Grace scooped a hand inside Hope's arm. She told Hope about the conversation with Mr Morgan, explaining the circumstances of the children's adoption. And, finally Mr Morgan's stated intention to take the children away from Testament Creek on the Wednesday stagecoach.

  Hope stared wide-eyed at Grace. "But can he do that?"

  Grace nodded. "He can. And I believe he will. Unless another arrangement is put in place. And quickly."

  Hope stared in apparent disbelief from Grace to Tyler. "Are you two going to adopt Jack and Katie?"

  Grace grinned. "We hope so. But first Tyler and I have to get married." For a moment Grace paused, still hardly believing she'd said that.

  "The pastor married a young couple last week," Tyler said. "The woman was a mail order bride. She and her new husband had only met the day before when she arrived on the stagecoach." Tyler shrugged. "So weddings can be carried out at very short notice."

  "Did Mr Morgan agree to you both adopting the children?" Hope asked. "Because that is what you're saying, isn't it?"

  Tyler looked suddenly serious. "No. He doesn't know about it, yet. But I think he suspects. He knows how much Grace and I love each other."

  Grace smiled at Tyler. She was sure he was right. Morgan seemed to be in no doubt about the depth of feeling between Grace and Tyler. And, because of that, she was sure a wedding would come as no surprise to the man.

  A thought occurred to Grace. "Do you think Morgan is giving us a chance?" she asked Tyler.

  He frowned. "To marry and apply for adoption? Maybe. That's why I'll be going across to Austin to get the judge to sign the adoption papers. And I'll be going there as soon as we're married, Grace," he said looking earnestly at her.

  She knew what he was getting at. No sooner would they be married but Tyler would have to leave her and go to Austin. He'd be gone for at least a whole day.

  "If Morgan does try to take the children away, he'll have formal papers signed by a Texas judge preventing him from doing that," Grace said, speaking like she was back in the Kansas City law office where she'd once worked.

  Hope sank down onto the sofa and sighed. "It's all happening so fast."

  "If we don't act, the children will leave Testament Creek. They might never come back," Grace said and sat down next to Hope. Just thinking about that possibility made a knot of worry twist in Grace's middle. "We can't let that happen, Hope. You've seen how happy Jack and Katie are here."

  "And you're both willing to do this for their sakes?" Hope asked looking from Grace to Tyler.

  Tyler came to Grace and took her hand in his. "I love Grace," he said softly. Grace's heart warmed as she gazed up at Tyler. "We're going to have a perfect life together. Being able to care for the children just makes it all even more perfect," Tyler said. His voice was low and filled with emotion. "The Lord has granted us love. And he's also granted us a chance to begin to have a family."

  Grace saw Hope smiling up at Tyler. His faith was real and very powerful. And, being with him these past few days and weeks, Grace had to admit that her own faith was growing stronger.

  But there was still so much to be done. "When do you want to go and speak with the pastor?" she asked Tyler.

  "Now," he declared. "Maybe he can marry us this weekend."

  Tyler made it sound so inevitable. Hope gasped. "If that happens we'll have to tell Miss Hardesty. And the children."

  Grace laid a gentle hand on Hope's arm. "Let's not tell the children. Not just yet. Tyler and I can speak with them ourselves."

  "It is going to work out," Tyler declared firmly. Grace gazed at her husband-to-be and saw the burning fire of determination in his eyes. She'd seen that look before. When he'd told her he'd rescue Miss Hardesty from the gang of outlaws.

  "Wait until we get back from town, Hope," Grace told her friend. "Then we can start preparing."

  "We might only have one da
y!" Hope exclaimed. "How can we prepare a wedding in a day?"

  Grace smiled patiently. "I think the Lord will find a way," she said quietly. She saw Tyler smiling at her. "He has brought us through all of this."

  "He will grant us the strength we need," Tyler stated.

  Grace stood and faced Tyler. "I think you're right, Tyler." She scooped her arm into his. "Let's go see the pastor."


  The pastor had agreed that it would be a Sunday wedding.

  Tyler sat on the buckboard out in the yard in front of the ranch house on the Saturday morning. The sky was clear and bright and the air was cool.

  He held the reins in his hand and glanced at the house, wondering when Grace and the children would be emerging. They were all about to take a short ride on the buckboard to Prudence and Cal's cabin. Tyler and Grace had a wedding invitation to issue. He wondered how it would be received. With joy and delight, Tyler told himself.

  Tyler heard Lucia's voice from the kitchen. He smiled, recalling the delight with which Lucia had received the news of Grace and Tyler's wedding. Lucia would bring her husband and son to the wedding. She had promised a special spread of food for the after-wedding celebration which was being planned at the ranch house. Tyler had no doubt that Lucia and Hope would spend most of Saturday preparing for the celebrations.

  Then there was the matter of Miss Hardesty. Grace had told Tyler that she intended to invite Mary to the wedding. From Hope's description, it seemed Mary Hardesty was up and walking around the doctor's house, albeit very carefully. With some help Miss Hardesty would be able to attend the wedding at the church.

  Finally, Grace and the children emerged from inside the house. Grace was dressed in a pale blue gown and matching bonnet. It seemed she wanted to look her best when she got to tell Prudence all about the wedding.

  But there was another conversation which would take place before they all arrived at Prudence and Cal's cabin. Tyler and Grace planned on having a talk with Jack and Katie. They needed to know how the children felt about the possibility that they would be adopted by Grace and Tyler.

  Sitting on the seat, grasping the buckboard reins in his hands, Tyler felt nerves twisting in his middle. He hoped the talk with the children would go well. But there was no guarantee. Thankfully, over the breakfast table this morning, there had been no mention of Nathaniel Morgan. If the children were worried about the man's presence at the ranch, they were doing a good job of hiding it. Once again, Tyler was filled with admiration at the inner strength both children possessed. They'd both been toughened by tragedy and the hardships of life.

  As he watched the children running toward the buckboard, Tyler offered up a silent prayer.

  Lord. Grant me the patience, strength and wisdom to speak well with the children. Guide my heart to say the words which will help them trust me and place their faith in Grace and myself as their future parents. Amen.

  Soon, they were all on the buckboard seat. Tyler drove the buckboard eastward along the trail they'd followed the day before. And, as they'd done yesterday, Tyler halted at the field of bluebonnet flowers. The children raced out across the field, chasing butterflies. Just as they'd done the day before.

  Once they'd exhausted themselves, Jack and Katie came back to the buckboard. Up on the seat, Tyler rested the reins on the floor and smiled at the children. He glanced at Grace and saw her concerned expression. She was as worried as he was, Tyler told himself.

  "Children. Tyler and I would like to speak with you both for a few moments," Grace said softly.

  Jack and Katie gazed innocently at Grace. Their faces were flushed with their exertions. Eyes bright, they peered at Grace and Tyler with obvious curiosity.

  Tyler turned and rested his arm against the back of the seat. "You both know that Grace and I love you very much," Tyler said, getting straight to the point.

  Katie smiled. "And we love you, Tyler," she said. "And you, Grace. Isn't that right, Jack?"

  Tyler felt himself choke up when he heard Katie's quiet voice utter the words.

  Jack nodded, although he did look slightly embarrassed by Katie's sweet admission. "Yup," was all Jack could bring himself to say. But Tyler could see the genuine pleasure in Jack's eyes.

  Grace smiled at the children. "We are very happy that you've come here to the Circle T. I am so pleased that you like the ranch, and Testament Creek, too."

  Both children gazed at Grace but said nothing. Did they sense something else was coming?

  "It's a real privilege to have you both with us," Tyler said. He leaned closer and lowered his voice. "And there's one other thing."

  Jack lifted his brows. "What's that?"

  Tyler smiled at Grace. "We adore you both very much. You are the most important people in the world to me and Grace."

  That statement made both children's mouths drop open. They exchanged astonished looks.

  "There is one other thing we want to tell you," Tyler said. Tyler reached across and rested his hand on Grace's arm. "Grace and I are getting married."

  Jack and Katie gasped in perfect unison. "Married!" Katie asked.

  Grace nodded. "We've already made the arrangements. We're getting married tomorrow in the church in town. And you both are to be our very special guests."

  Now both children's faces were covered in smiles.

  "Isn't that wonderful?" Grace asked.

  "Does that mean you're going to come and live in the ranch house?" Jack asked Tyler.

  Taken aback for a moment, Tyler forced himself to smile. "I guess it does." Tyler saw Grace smile at him. The prospect of living at the ranch delighted Tyler.

  "I like that," Jack announced.

  Once again Tyler's heart swelled with emotion. These children had transformed his life. They were so important to him.

  "We have one other thing we want to say," Grace said. "An important question we'd like to ask you both."

  "What's that?" Katie asked.

  The moment of truth had arrived, Tyler told himself. He glanced at Grace and saw the shadow of worry in her eyes.

  "What Grace is saying is that we would like to ask you Jack, and you, Katie to make a very important choice." Tyler said. "It involves where you both would like to live."

  Tyler saw Jack's brows furrow. Katie stared, wide-eyed, at Grace, almost as if she was seeking answers.

  Grace drew in a deep breath and spoke clearly and with obvious purpose. "Tyler and I are going to become man and wife. And we would be honored and delighted if you would both let us be your parents."

  Katie's jaw dropped open. Jack gasped and was speechless for a long moment.

  "Are you saying you could be our mom and dad?" Katie asked softly.

  Grace nodded. "That is exactly what we're saying, Katie."

  The children looked astonished. Tyler's heart was beating furiously and his throat was suddenly tight. He couldn't swallow as he peered at the children. Tyler could see the truth dawning on their faces. They understood what they were being asked. To accept himself and Grace as parents, instead of continuing to Wyoming. And, Tyler told himself, instead of going back to the orphanage with Mr Morgan. He was sure they'd thought about that terrible possibility.

  "You want us to stay at the ranch?" Jack asked. "Forever?"

  Grace smiled warmly at Jack. "Yes. Forever. Tyler and I would love to adopt you both. You would be our children. And we would be your parents."

  There was a long pause. Finally, both children smiled excitedly at each other. Tyler felt a heavy weight lifting from his shoulders as he gazed upon the children's delighted faces.

  "What do you say?" Tyler said and grinned at the children.

  There was one last pause which seemed to last an eternity. Then Jack and Katie laughed out loud and nodded.

  "Yes," Jack exclaimed in the brightest of voices.

  "Yes!" Katie squealed in the happiest of tones.

  Grace sighed contentedly and laughed with delight as she hugged the children. Tyler eased
closer, embracing all three of them. He felt Grace's body shaking with emotion. The children were sobbing with joy. Tyler could no longer contain himself, his eyes moistening with gratitude.

  Silently, he thanked his Lord for the blessing which had just been bestowed upon all four of them. It truly was a miracle, Tyler told himself.

  For a long moment they all just shared the joy of their newly formed family. When at last, it was time to continue the ride to Prudence and Cal's cabin Tyler could see how much the last few minutes had meant to the children. They couldn't contain their joy. They laughed out loud and hugged one another. It was as if all the pain and all the doubt of the last few days, even the last few years, had been swept aside. They had a future now, Tyler told himself. Not just the children. But himself and Grace were about to be granted that most precious of all blessings.

  A family.

  They only had a few more steps to take and then all of their futures would be assured. Their joy and delight would be assured.

  Tyler lifted the reins. "Let's go tell Prudence and Cal," he said to the children and Grace.

  Grace looked relieved and delighted. "Yes. Let's do that," she agreed.


  "The dress will never be ready on time," Grace announced.

  At the table by the parlor window of the Circle T ranch house, Hope and Prudence were working on the adjustments being made to the white wedding dress. It was the one which Prudence had worn to her own wedding back in the summer. Grace had agreed that, given the short time available to them, the only sensible solution was that she should borrow Prudence's beautiful dress. Fortunately, the adjustments needed were minor.

  "Nonsense, Grace," Prudence objected. She smiled at Grace. "We've got twenty-four hours until the wedding. That's plenty of time."


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