The Rancher’s Bride Surprise Read online

Page 13

  "If she's going to be yours, then I think we''ll have to think about how we're going to take care of her," Micah said. "Isn't that right, Rachel?" he added.

  She nodded and shared a momentary look with him. He knew just how much this would mean to Lily. How happy it would make her.

  "She's mine," Lily declared, gazing wide-eyed at the little foal. Rachel's heart warmed as she watched Lily gazing at the foal. Did the Buchanans have any idea how happy this would make Lily? How much she'd needed something like this? A simple act of kindness in world in which there was too much cruelty and evil.

  "Thank you," Rachel said quietly to all of the Buchanans crowded into the stall.

  No-one replied. They just looked at her and nodded, appreciating the moment and its effect on the two newcomers to Inspiration. Micah moved closer to Rachel. There wasn't enough room for her to move away from him. But, at this moment, the last thing she wanted to do was keep her distance from the kindly rancher. She wondered how much of this had been planned. They must have know about the birth of the foal. Micah had probably chosen this morning for that very reason, knowing how happy it would make Lily. And Rachel.

  They remained in the stall a while longer. Lily couldn't take her eyes off the foal. But, eventually she was persuaded to leave the stable. Rachel promised they'd come back later to check on the foal.

  Micah and his father went off together. Rachel heard some talk of ranch business as she walked with Micah's mother Eugenie. His mother gave Rachel a guided tour of the ranch buildings. Rachel enjoyed listening to Eugenie as she recounted the years of how the ranch had been built up from nothing. Eugenie was a kindly woman. Rachel guessed she was in her late fifties. But Eugenie still had the energy and vibrant qualities of someone far younger. Her sense of humor was infectious and Rachel frequently found herself laughing at Eugenie's jokes.

  Rachel could see a family resemblance in Eugenie's features with those of Micah. They both shared the same penetrating, friendly gaze. And they had a warmth of personality in common. It didn't take long for Rachel to warm to Eugenie.

  Eventually, Rachel and Eugenie arrived back at the yard. There was no sign of Lily, nor anyone else. Feeling a sudden unease, Rachel wondered where she could be. As if reading Rachel's mind, Eugenie smiled. "I think they're back in the stable," she explained.

  Rachel nodded, feeling relieved. "That makes sense," she replied.

  "Lily looked thrilled with her new horse," Eugenie observed.

  "It was so kind of you to do that," Rachel admitted. "You really didn't have to."

  "It was our pleasure," Eugenie said. "Micah has been telling us all about Lily." Eugenie's gaze softened. "Such a terrible thing to happen to a little one. Losing a mother and a father must be so hard for her." Eugenie peered at Rachel. "I have to say, you have done a very noble and good thing. Choosing to bring Lily up is such a brave thing for you to do."

  Rachel shook her head. "Not at all. I'm not brave."

  Eugenie squinted at Rachel. "On the contrary, Rachel. Coming all the way out here. And with such a great responsibility. That is brave."

  "I have my faith to strengthen me. And my God to guide me. He gives me strength," Rachel admitted.

  Eugenie smiled at Rachel. "Faith is often the difference between success and failure in life," she said. "I should know. There have been times when we've faced real hardship here, on the ranch." She sighed. "I don't know what I would have done without His guidance and protection."

  Rachel felt her heart warm as she listened to Eugenie's declaration of faith. "Confidence in His will is everything. I know that to be true. It's what allowed me to come to Inspiration. I just felt as if it was the right thing to do."

  Eugenie gave Rachel an understanding look. "I've tried to make sure all of my boys have grown up trusting Him." She tilted her head. "Some of them have taken to it more than others. But they all believe. And that has been a great comfort to me. Especially now that we face such a time of trial."

  Rachel frowned. "What do you mean?"

  Eugenie's eyes widened. Rachel saw the woman's face pale slightly. "Micah hasn't told you?" she asked.

  "Told me what?" Rachel asked, feeling worry flare into life in her middle.

  Before Eugenie had a chance to answer, Rachel heard Lily's voice calling out her name. Rachel glanced in the direction of the stable. Lily was waving to her. "Come see," Lily squealed excitedly. "She's trying to stand up."

  Rachel glanced at Eugenie. There was a still a concerned look on Eugenie's features. Frustration clawed at Rachel as she started to move past Eugenie. "I have to go. Lily wants to show me something."

  "Of course," Eugenie admitted, watching Rachel ease past her.

  Curiosity was burning inside Rachel. What had Eugenie meant by that comment? What hadn't Micah told her? Was that what he'd been hinting at up at the tree, earlier?

  As Rachel strode across the yard she told herself she would have to ask Micah what was really going on. And what was the real reason she had been invited to the Buchanan ranch.


  After lunch with entire family, Micah invited Rachel to go for a ride across the ranch. He was eager to show the place off to her. Desperate, in fact. He longed to know what she would think of the spread. Whether she would be impressed. Or even intimidated by its scale. Its grandeur. By how different it was to anything she'd ever seen before.

  She had agreed, albeit there had been something hesitant in the way she had spoken to him. Now he was standing out in the yard, alongside a pair of horses. He was waiting for Rachel to come downstairs. Honora had offered to help Rachel change into more suitable clothing for the horse ride. There was a selection of riding skirts and blouses upstairs.

  Micah tapped his foot impatiently as he waited. He clutched the reins of his horse as he leaned close to the animal's head. The horse snickered, as if sensing Micah's nervousness. He thought about Rachel's manner throughout the lunch. Of course, she had been friendly and had joined in with the fun at the dining table. She had laughed at all the right moments. And had helped Lily join in, too. Rachel had been the perfect guest. Courteous and grateful.

  But, Micah couldn't deny that there had been something odd about the way Rachel had been looking at him throughout the meal. More than once he had caught her peering at him with a curious expression on her features. There were questions behind those beautiful eyes, he'd told himself. He wondered what she and his mother had talked about. Perhaps his mother had made some kind of comment which had set Rachel's mind turning. Apprehension stirred within him. Earlier, up at the tree, he'd tried to tell her about the situation at the Buchanan ranch. But he hadn't been able to get the words out.

  Now he was going to have some time with her alone. He knew he'd have to tell her the reason why marriage was a necessity. He wondered how she would react. Whether she would accuse him of using her. Treating her as nothing more than a necessary convenience.

  Micah knew that wasn't true. Perhaps when he'd first showed up at the schoolhouse, those kind of thoughts had been at the forefront of his mind. But, not any more. Rachel Ellsworth was much more than a woman who'd simply arrived at a convenient time. During these past days Micah had felt himself been drawn closer and closer to her. Just being in her company was enough to make him feel more alive than he'd ever felt before. When he wasn't with her, all he could think of was when would the interminable wait be over so that he could be with her again. At night, his dreams were filled with images of her. Every time he rode into Inspiration, he had to restrain the urge to ride faster, just so he could enjoy an extra few moments with her.

  That was how it had all changed for him. Rachel was so much more to him than a potential bride of convenience. In that respect, Micah was no different from his brothers. All three of them had had reservations about the need to marry so quickly. But God had provided wonderful wives to all three of his brothers, even if they'd each had to pass through trial and tribulation to win married bliss.

as that how it was going to be for him? Micah drew in a deep breath as he heard footsteps and voices from inside the house. Then the door flew open and out stepped Honora and Rachel.

  Rachel had changed into a loose, brown riding skirt and white blouse. She looked radiant and ready to take on any challenge the afternoon would throw at her. Micah felt anticipation rise up within him.

  "I'm ready," Rachel declared.

  "You take care of her, now," Honora stated to Micah. "You hear?"

  Micah nodded obediently. Honora wasn't someone you refused. "Sure will." He gazed at Rachel. "She'll be safe with me." He grinned at her. "You did say you can ride."

  Rachel quirked a brow at Micah. "You have to ask me that?" she teased. "I learned when I was little."

  Micah drew the horse around. Rachel lifted herself up onto the saddle with surprising ease. Micah nodded appreciatively. "I see what you mean." He looked up at Rachel. "Where's Lily?"

  Honora spoke: "I'm going to be taking care of Lily." She rolled her eyes and smiled. "Needless to say, we'll be in the stable while you're both gone."

  "That figures," Micah said and smiled. He checked his saddlebag, the circle of rope hanging on it and the thick length of wood which was jammed into the bag. He saw Rachel look at him quizzically, but Micah didn't offer any explanation as he tied his saddlebag.

  Then Micah lifted himself up onto his horse and gripped the reins. He looked at Rachel. "Ready to see the Circle Cross?" he asked.

  She nodded. Micah tugged on his reins and moved his horse on. As Rachel followed him, Micah checked to see if what she'd said to him was true. He nodded at her. "You sure can ride," he admitted as she pulled her mount up next to his.

  "You didn't believe me?" she snapped.

  "I didn't say that. It's just that I figured you might have learned in one of those parks back East." He shrugged. "You know the kind. Where riding means cantering up a path no bigger than that yard back there."

  "You telling me you don't think I can ride fast?" Rachel retorted.

  Micah quirked a brow at her. "You don't mean you want to race me," he said.

  "Think I'd beat you," she replied and lifted her chin defiantly. Something shifted inside him. Seeing her looking at him like that made him feel like this sunny afternoon was just perfect for a challenge. He gazed at the distant ridge. "How about that ridge there," he said and pointed.

  Before she said another word, she'd kicked her horse's side and was racing away from him, hooves thundering on the dry earth. He heard her laugh out loud as a cloud of dust rose in front of him. Micah grinned, seized the reins in a tight grip and dug his heels into his horse. The animal lurched and raced after Rachel's mount. She'd gotten a head start on him, but he wasn't about to hand her an easy victory. Joy leaped in his heart as he started after her. This was a whole new side to Rachel. Maybe the tensions of the dinner table had needed to be let loose.

  He didn't think for the next few moments. All he did was savor the sensation of chasing after this amazing woman who seemed to enjoy pushing his boundaries. This woman who never failed to surprise him.

  She was still ahead of him as he leaned forward, his gaze fixed on her horse. They'd already covered half the distance to the ridge, but she was still keeping her advantage. He pushed his horse to a faster pace. He couldn't imagine losing to her. What she'd make of that. He already knew her sense of humor. How she liked to tease him.

  Within moments, he sensed he was gaining on her. Hearing his progress, she turned and looked back at him. Seeing him advancing on her, she laughed and tried to push her own mount to a quicker pace. But, Micah's horse was of a superior type. And it was used to responding to Micah.

  He saw the ridge up ahead. They'd be there in a matter of moments. It was now or never, he told himself. He made one last push and then he was almost at her side. Both horses' heads were low. Hooves hammered into dusty ground. Their riders were equally focused on winning. For a moment, Micah just enjoyed the sensation of competing with Rachel. Just savored the raw emotion of sharing this surprising, but delightful experience together.

  The top of the ridge was only a short distance away. He heard Rachel call out as she made one final effort to defeat him. Then the horses thundered up the slope and reached the top of the ridge side by side. Both horses slid to a halt amongst a plume of dust on the flat of the ridge.

  Micah felt himself out of breath. He felt flushed and warm. He looked across and saw that Rachel was also breathless. Her eyes were shimmering with bright exuberance. Her cheeks were pink. Her breathing was fast and her chest rose and fell inside the newly fitted white shirt. She'd enjoyed every moment of that, he told himself.

  "Well?" she exclaimed. "You believe me now?"

  "You proved your point," he declared. "But you didn't win."

  "I did," she complained, smiling indignantly at him. She looked dead set on teasing him further. "I beat you fair and square. I was the first up to the ridge."

  He shook his head slowly. "I don't think so. Maybe next time."

  "What gives you the idea there'll be a next time?" she retorted, taking him by surprise. He hadn't expected her to say that.

  "Are you saying there won't be?"

  Rachel didn't reply immediately. Instead, she shook her head and pulled on the horse's reins. She faced her mount toward the south. "What did you bring me out here for?"

  "I wanted to show you what a ranch is really like. Give you an idea of the kinds of things that go on here," he replied.

  "Okay," she said. She waved a hand. "Show me."

  He wondered why she had taken on this attitude to him. She still seemed kind of annoyed about something. As if she was determined to push him a little. See how he would react. Or maybe she was just glad to be away from the prying eyes of his family. It couldn't have been easy being the focus of all that attention, this morning.

  He kicked on and led her down from the ridge and out across the rangeland. He knew where the herd would be. He figured she might be impressed by that. Although, right now, he wasn't sure he was able to predict anything about this suddenly feisty woman.

  After a short while they found the two-hundred strong herd. It was grazing down by the southern edge of the spread. A gang of ranch hands was busy keeping the cattle together. All eyes turned to Micah and Rachel as they rode up. Micah spoke with the ramrod who told him everything was going fine.

  Rachel seemed fascinated by the herd. By the sight of the animals out here on the rangeland. The cattle lowed quietly, shifting slowly as they ambled their way across the rangeland. Everything about this was familiar to Micah. It was his daily work on most days. This was where he felt truly at home. He thought about the cattle drives to market. There was nothing like the excitement of driving a herd to market. Well, maybe there was one thing more exciting, he told himself as he turned and looked at Rachel. Something new had come into his life.

  Suddenly, Micah heard the outraged roar of one of the cattle. He turned and saw a solitary cow break out from the herd. It went charging across the flatland. Micah exchanged a quick look with the ramrod. The man just shrugged. Micah glanced at Rachel. Her eyes were wide as it dawned on her what Micah was about to do.

  Then he kicked his horse into a gallop. He raced after the cow, gaining on it almost immediately. He reached down to the side of his saddle and scooped up the circle of rope. He unwound it with one hand as he rode. Swinging it over his head, he trailed the cow. He flicked the rope and the circle of rope wound around the cow's head. Micah felt a lurch as the weight of the cow pulled on the rope. He jerked on the reins of his horse, feeling the tension snap. The cow ground to a halt, shaking its head, trying to loosen itself free. But Micah held firm, battling for a few moments with the animal. Finally, his victory won, he heard the ramrod ride up alongside him. He handed the rope to the ramrod and headed back toward Rachel.

  She watched him steadily as he approached her. "That didn't look easy," she observed. "Or safe."


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