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The Rancher’s Bride Surprise Page 11
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Page 11
Rachel shook her head. "I can't allow that. I wouldn't forgive myself if anything happened to her."
"They've got some real experts up there. Men who are used to handling every kind of horse," Sophie said. "I'm sure she'll be safe."
Rachel frowned, still unconvinced. "We'll see."
"So you're going," Sophie declared.
Rachel nodded. "I suppose it won't do any harm."
"They're a lovely family," she enthused.
Instantly feeling nervous, Rachel leaned back in her seat. "How many of them are there?"
Sophie rolled her eyes. "Let's see. There's Caleb and Eugenie. They're Micah's parents."
"I didn't say I wanted to meet his parents," Rachel declared defensively.
"It's not what you think," Sophie retorted.
Having realized Sophie's expertise when it came to arranging weddings, Rachel found that hard to believe. Meeting someone's parents meant the same out here as it did back East. It was a prelude to other things. She didn't even want to think about any of that. Not this soon after the debacle with Brett Calhoun. And certainly not after the way she and Micah had finished their conversation the day before at the schoolhouse.
"Then there's his three brothers, Zane, Reese and Gideon. And three wives, of course. Johanna, Rosalind and Honora." Sophie smiled. "You're going to love all of them. They're always so welcoming."
Thinking about being on show in front of all those people made Rachel feel instantly nervous. "You make it sound like this kind of gathering is a regular occurrence," Rachel countered.
"Well, it has been pretty regular recently."
Rachel narrowed her eyes at Sophie. It was time to get to the point. "And I suppose you're hoping for the same outcome?"
Sophie pretended she didn't know what Rachel was talking about. "I don't know," she replied casually. "We'll see." That wasn't much of an answer, Rachel told herself. Still, it was almost impossible to dislike Sophie. Her heart was in the right place, even if her methods left a lot to be desired. Rachel looked at the pretty, blonde woman. There was a keen intelligence in Sophie's eyes. Rachel was sure that the kindly woman who had made her feel so at home knew exactly what she was doing at every moment of the day. She couldn't imagine anything happening by accident whenever Sophie was around.
"If we're going to the ranch, then I better get Lily ready." Rachel stood. "What can we wear?"
"Just go as you are. You don't need anything special to be on the ranch," Sophie replied. "It's not like you're going to be spending much time seeing the ranch. Not unless Micah insists on showing you the spread." Sophie grinned. "Then again. That wouldn't be such a bad thing, would it?"
Rachel decided to ignore that last comment. The idea of spending even part of the day with Micah was both intriguing and concerning. She'd have to take things in her stride, today. Try and do a better job than she'd done yesterday.
She thought about the way Micah had left. Yesterday hadn't gone well. The way he'd walked away had left a bitter taste in her mouth. So much had been left unsaid. She still wasn't sure what he'd thought of the way Calhoun had pressed his attentions on her. Whether he understood that she'd done nothing to encourage Calhoun. That this whole mess had been Calhoun's doing.
And Micah had also been about to tell her something when the children had walked into the class. Judging by the expression on his face, she figured it must be important. In any case, he'd done so much for the schoolhouse, she told herself it would be rude for her to refuse an invitation to the ranch.
If she was being honest with herself, her friendship with Micah Buchanan had blossomed into something much more serious. Even if that wasn't what he wanted, there was no denying she and Micah had formed a connection. More than that, really. Thinking about Micah was becoming a permanent feature of Rachel's day. She just didn't seem to be able to get images of his powerful physique and his handsome, rugged features out of her mind.
She excused herself and went upstairs to Lily's room. When she told Lily about the visit to the ranch, Lily squealed with excitement and jumped up and down on the bed. It took a while for her to calm down. Eventually Rachel managed to get Lily ready and then she attended to herself. By the time she heard the wheels of a carriage rolling to a halt outside the house, she and Lily were prepared for their day out at the Circle Cross. Lily was dressed in a plain white, loose-fitting gown and black shoes. Rachel figured it would be suitable no matter what Lily got up to at the ranch. As for herself, she'd opted for her light blue gown and matching bonnet. She hoped it didn't look too formal.
She and Lily went outside and found Micah, alone, seated on the beautiful, high-seated carriage. He leaned casually on one elbow, holding the reins and looked at Rachel like he was genuinely glad to see her. He quirked a brow at Rachel, but she ignored that gesture. It looked like the doubts of yesterday had been banished. For the moment, at least. Micah was dressed in jeans and a white shirt and waistcoat. He wore a Stetson which he'd tipped casually up at the front of his head.
Lily ran excitedly to the carriage and leaped up onto the seat next to Micah. The little girl ignored Rachel's quiet protests. Rachel got up onto the carriage and sat next to Lily. It felt strange sitting like this. All three of them ready for a day out, looking like a family. A real family. Emotion flared within her as she played with that idea. Was this what it would feel like to be Micah's wife? Her heart quickened uncontrollably and she shoved that thought quickly out of her mind.
"Guess you got the message," Micah said. His gaze was steady and soft. In the morning light he looked handsome and genuinely interested in their well-being.
Rachel nodded. "We're looking forward to this. Aren't we, Lily?"
Lily nodded vigorously. "Sure am." She squinted up at Micah as he took the reins in his hands. "Do you have lots of horses at the ranch, Micah?"
Rachel noted that Lily still insisted on calling Micah by his first name. Micah nodded. "We got more horses than you can count," Micah informed Lily. He grinned. "Although you're free to try, if you want. We've even got some new ones on the way. One of our best horses is going to give birth. Any time soon."
Lily's eyes widened and she looked at Rachel. Lily was going to have a memorable day, Rachel told herself. The carriage moved off and headed toward Main Street. Rachel realized this was the first time she and Micah had ridden together. She wondered what people would think when they saw her and Lily and Micah riding up the street, heading out in the direction of the ranch. It felt good to be sitting high up on the carriage's seat. She straightened her back and lifted her chin. Eager to show herself and Lily at their best, she prompted the little girl to sit up straight. She saw Micah smiling as she and Lily fussed for a few moments. It wasn't every day that they rode in a carriage as fine as this.
The carriage rolled slowly up Main Street and, sure enough, there were plenty of curious glances in their direction. For a moment, she wondered if Micah was deliberately driving slowly so that everyone could take a good look at them. Heads were bowed and hats lifted in their direction as they made their way up the street. Thankfully there was no sign of Brett Calhoun. Rachel hoped her days of being bothered by Calhoun were well and truly behind her.
Soon the carriage was heading up the trail away from town. Micah had been quiet leaving town. Although he still wore that soft smile which made him look like he'd just won a grand prize. Rachel thought his silence might mean he had a lot on his mind. Maybe he was still thinking about what had happened yesterday, she told herself. The truth was, she could hardly get any of it out of her own mind.
Now that they were making their way up the trail, Micah's shoulders relaxed and he even glanced across at her and Lily a few times. The carriage crested a ridge and she saw a wondrous view across a plain that led away to a distant forest and mountain range. He slowed the carriage. She gasped at the sheer beauty of it. She'd forgotten how good it felt to be out in the countryside. How wondrous was the work of God. Living in the town, it was easy to get caught up in
daily affairs. Easy to lose sight of all that He had made. She felt the cool breeze sweep across he skin. She drew in a deep breath and looked at Lily. The little girl was gazing out across the landscape, her brows furrowed as if she was searching for something.
Micah glanced at Rachel and smiled, obviously taking pleasure from her reaction. "Nice, huh?"
"Beautiful," Rachel exclaimed. She sighed contentedly and smiled. "Just perfect." She saw Micah nod approvingly. He had this on his doorstep every morning, she told herself. He woke up to this every day and spent the entire time out in this glorious wilderness. Working hard with his men. Shaping nature into something productive. Something good. She guessed the work would be hard. But the beauty more than made up for that.
Rachel leaned closer to Lily. "What do you think?" she said.
"I don't see any horses," Lily complained scanning the landscape. Lily's modest complaint brought Rachel back to earth with a bump.
Micah laughed. "They'll be plenty for you to see once we get to the ranch house."
"Is everyone there, today?" Rachel asked.
"My family? Sure. They're all looking forward to meeting you and Lily," Micah replied.
"Is that so," Rachel said in a flat voice. Her nerves had just gotten a whole lot worse with that confirmation.
He flicked the reins and the carriage rolled on. The trail was bumpy, and more than once she had to grasp hold of the side of the seat to stop herself from falling. One time, Micah glanced over at her as she did that, and he immediately slowed the carriage. She was pleased with how attentive he was being to herself and Lily. He was willing to respond to her needs. Make sure that everything was perfect for her and Lily. She felt reassured by that. Maybe the day wouldn't be so difficult, after all.
Finally they crested a ridge and Micah halted the carriage. She looked down and gasped. "Is that the ranch house?" she asked.
Micah tipped his Stetson up and nodded. "That's it. The Circle Cross ranch. Home of the Buchanan family." He turned and grinned. "That includes me, in case you're wondering." He lifted a brow and tilted his head, clearly seeking a reaction from them.
Lily giggled and Rachel couldn't resist smiling back at Micah. He'd gotten his reaction, Rachel told herself. He really was in a playful mood this morning.
The ranch house was large. External panels painted white, it was on two levels and looked big enough for a family of four brothers, their wives and two parents. A porch ran the length of the front and there was a wide yard with a corral, inside which a horse was being attended to by a solitary ranch hand. Outbuildings were dotted all around the main house. She saw what she guessed was a barn, a stable, a cookhouse and sleeping quarters for the ranch hands. From up here she could see men going about their daily work. It looked like a regular hive of activity. The whole setup looked like impressive. More than just a family business.
"I can see a horse," Lily yelled and pointing a finger.
"You've got great eyesight, Lily," Micah declared.
Lily smiled at Rachel, visibly thrilled at Micah's compliment. Micah flicked the reins and the carriage thundered down the trail. This time he didn't slow. Maybe he was in a hurry to get home, she told herself. Perhaps he couldn't wait to introduce her to his parents. A familiar knot of worry settled in her stomach as she thought about that.
It promised to be a memorable day.
Micah did his best to soften the blow of meeting so many people at once. As he drew the carriage to a halt in the yard in front of the ranch house, he was pleased to see that his entire family had resisted the temptation to come racing out to meet Rachel. Instead, his mother and father came out and greeted Rachel. Upon seeing his parents, Micah saw Rachel glance at him and furrow her brows. What did she think about meeting his parents? Was she reading something into it? Of course, he knew what it usually meant when a woman being courted was presented to someone's parents. Was he being too forward? Too presumptuous?
In any case, Micah was pleased that his parents had made the decision to ensure Rachel's welcome was a modest one. The rest of the family were all inside and eager to meet Rachel, just as he'd expected. He made the introductions inside the house and watched Rachel carefully for any signs that this was proving too much for her. But, by the time the entire Buchanan clan was crowded into the sitting room, seated on the sofas, and tea had been served, he began to think that Rachel was getting used to being the focus of attention. Because she most certainly was. That was for sure.
She smiled warmly and chatted pleasantly with everyone, looking like she was comfortable and not at all put out by the presence of his whole family. Three brothers and their new wives. Seeing them all like this, and with Rachel so near to him, brought the reality of Micah's predicament pressing down hard upon him.
There were a dozen questions hurled her way and she answered every one patiently and with good humor. Zane, Reese, Gideon and their wives couldn't have been more welcoming. And his parents looked delighted with the newcomer to the Circle Cross. That delight spread to his parents obvious appreciation of the presence of Lily, who was on her best behavior throughout the first hour. Eventually though, Lily started to get restless and Micah knew that the little girl wanted to see some horses. It would soon be time for him to keep his promise to Lily.
Throughout the time in the sitting room, Micah's parents glanced at him from time to time. He knew they were watching him, observing his reactions to Rachel. They knew he had brought her to the ranch for a purpose. They understood what he was trying to do. Lingering in the background was the truth. An unspoken necessity. And one about which Rachel still knew nothing, Micah told himself. He would have to remedy that situation today.
The pressure was building steadily. Time was running out. But, to their credit, his parents gave no hint of the anxiety they must be feeling. And they hadn't put pressure on Micah, even though they knew he'd been down in town, at the schoolhouse with a view to courting the pretty schoolteacher. All of that was left unsaid during the pleasant goings-on inside the Buchanan ranch house that morning.
Finally, the tea was over and they started to make their way out of the ranch house. Micah had told everyone he wanted to show the ranch to Rachel and Lily. The morning had been planned around the welcoming tea with a lunch arranged for later. Outside, in the yard, however, Caleb and Eugenie swept Lily away toward the corral to show her the horses being led around inside it. His parents had a natural enthusiasm about children. Lily looked at Rachel, seeking permission. Rachel nodded to Lily signaling it was okay for her to spend some time over by the corral. She told Lily she'd be watching her. That made Lily frown.
Micah was pleased to get Rachel to himself for a short time. They sat down on the long bench on the porch that ran along the front of the ranch house. Zane and Johanna rode off in their carriage promising to return for the lunch. Gideon and Rosalind wandered off, hand in hand. Reese and Honora headed over toward the stable. Reese said there was a horse that needed attending. It looked like things had suddenly returned to normal at the Buchanan ranch.
Micah was glad of the opportunity to calm things down. He needed some quiet time with Rachel. He sat back and gazed across at the corral. One of the ranch hands had lifted Lily up onto the fence. She sat there, holding on tight, her gaze fixed on the wrangler who was trying to deal with a black stallion.
"I hope she doesn't fall off," Rachel said quietly.
"She'll be fine," Micah reassured her. "Jack will make sure she stays where she is. He's one of our best."
Rachel nodded, but he could see she still wasn't sure. Micah edged closer. Rachel glanced at him as he moved, but she didn't do anything to indicate that she didn't want him closer to her.
"What do you think?" he asked.
She lifted a brow. "Of what?"
"My family."
She nodded and smiled. "They're every bit as wonderful as Sophie told me they'd be."
A sudden twist of unease hardened in his middle. "What di
d she tell you?"